jukem (1692348)
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Zuckerschnute20May 06, 2021
It´s me again I downloaded and checked the GirlZ.02 dress again and it works perfectly in the game and CAS, check your updates and download it again have fun, byeee
Zuckerschnute20May 06, 2021
Hi there thanks for the message, sometimes CCs can interfere with each other (hair, makeup, etc.), or an update has destroyed the creation, I'll check the dress and let you know.
dpdoyleOct 28, 2007
I read your entry in Chaz's guestbook.
Those sims should download fine without bon-voyage.
Do you have the sims2cleanpackinstaller?
You can get it from modthesims2.com.
If you dowload as a zip file instead, just unzip and move the files to your downloads folder.
This should work in the same way.
That's all I did and it worked fine.