julebug71 (2085973)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (2 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Sand in Your Shorts
Published Nov 20, 2009
About Me
I am a brand new RN, looking for work in a terrible economy. I'm also a mom of two and our love of "The Sims" has allowed me and my daughter to grow very close. I am in complete AWE of the amazing creations on TSR. I have tried my hand at two creations on TSR now. It was an interesting and stressful operation, NOT the uploading process, TSR makes that very simple. I just stress myself out worrying about if I'm using too much CC and if it is worthy. I LOVE decorating and "Sand in Your Shorts" was PACKED with CC and I loved it, but then I saw how big the file was and decided to trim it down....a lot. So I think I will be leave the creating to those who do it way better than I. But I now have a much greater appreciation for the work that goes into these wonderful creations.
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CyclonesueSep 28, 2012
LOL! Laughed at the thought of cats crawling all over the Bridge Lane Junction property - that is JUST the thing to do with that building. Thanks for downloading and for leaving a comment, and I hope the cats spread profusely!
katalinaFeb 06, 2011
Hiya Julebug What a pleasure to know you've had almost everyone of my lots at one time, WOW! Thank you so very much for that awesome comment on Beauvoir lot and thank you for downloading them. I hope you have been pleased with playing them and they are treating you well.. Have a beautiful week ahead
CyclonesueFeb 05, 2011
LOL!!! I loved your comment on my prison - made me laugh lots!!!