julie.junkyardx (2537787)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (2 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations
![Sims 3 — Lorena Wood by juliejunkyardx — [By Julie] One of the main characters from the novel 'Lonesome Dove' by Larry](/scaled/1267/w-422h-450-1267927.jpg)
Lorena Wood
Published Aug 11, 2009
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My Guestbook Show All
MissDaydreamsJul 04, 2011
Hi there! I would like to THANK YOU SO MUCH for your entry in my guestbook! I'm very very happy that you like my creations. It's very motivating to read such words! Before I started to share creations I was wondering: "will Simmers like my creations?" And I'm soooo glad to read such nice comments and fantastic guestbook messages such yours! Such feedback keeps me creating new stuff and I feel like I have fans It's a wonderful feeling knowing that people like my stuff, seeing rising number of downloads and bookmarks after you spent some time on creating (because it must look perfect!). Once again - Thank you!!! Cheers and Happy Simming! Anna
nmw3884Jun 05, 2011
CyclonesueJul 19, 2009
Of course, you can guarantee I love your username! That definitely matches my style! I think that, in all the years I've been here now (which must be 4 or 5 - a virtual relic), your guestbook message is simply the best I have EVER received and it was wonderful to find it tonight. Sometimes, I can wonder if my ideas are a little too ridiculous (like lots pumping smoke into the living room...), but then I receive a fabulous message like this and I just feel elated to be back here Simming again. So a HUGE and grateful thank-you from me. If ever you do create and share anything of your own, you'll discover exactly what I mean. You make something hoping some people will really like it, you upload it, you wait with baited breath - and when you receive a great comment it sends you flying right back to your game making something else with that specific person in mind - even though you don't know them, don't know what they do or don't like. And that never, ever changes). I really recommend you give it a whirl sometime. Once again, thank you for stopping by - and for liking my ridiculous stuff! Sue