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justkira.'s Guestbook

SasetkaDec 21, 2008

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! May all your wishes come true\:D

eviNov 13, 2008

Hi kira\:\) Thanks for giving time to comment on my creations. I very much appreciate what you did\:\) See you around\;\)

AleezaOct 16, 2008

Hi Kira, thank you so much for your sweet comment on my Relax set, I am glad you like it. Happy Simming, Aleeza \:\)

pretty_babyOct 14, 2008

LOL Say yeah If i dont get a graphics card my computer will die and you will have to pay to get a new one and its much cheaper just to buy a good graphics card. hehe. Ohhh I have a few friends who play it.. but not many. lol A few others who play world of warcraft and always try to get me into it. But im not interested.

pretty_babyOct 13, 2008

LOL I know she wasnt anywhere near Kimmys weight. LOL Yeah new graphics card. Oh man. I cant even begin to start on how great it made the game. But Ill try. lol um It runs heaps good everythings so smooth. I had an onboard chip?? And it ran okay but now with the graphics card its really good. \:\) It was $120 eep. And Im not exactly full of cash ahah but I had a bit extra and i thought why not. I spend alot of times on the sims. Nerd much. hah But its good!!

pretty_babyOct 13, 2008

LOL!!!!!! Doesnt Kath have her bra at the back of her leotard (aus) Ive watched it so many times my mind must be playing tricks on me. I miss Kaths Frizzy perm and her high waisted stonewash denim. *sigh* US wasnt even daggy..and Kim man I read in NW that selma blair like put on weight for the role of Kimmy...and I was like uhhh!! NOT!!! ahah

pretty_babyOct 12, 2008

ahahah Exactly!! I just hope they dont ruin the show..I doubt they will for hardcore K&K fans. hehe. But gosh. I dont mind molly shannon..she was hella funny in superstar but gosh the fashions werent even bad. I miss kaths bad fashion sense!!! But hopefully it will improve. I doubt it though.

pretty_babyOct 12, 2008

Well thats good making your last day worth it!!! I just watched it on 7...AHHHH my god it was terrible LOL!!!! It was so bad I felt slightly embarassed. I feel like I have to watch some kath and Kim orignals to make up for the wierdness. The only part I laughed was when the dog chased the dog at the end. omg. But I have to watch next week.

pretty_babyOct 12, 2008

LOL its so gross. But I cant help but laugh. OH last day of holidays..well make sure its worth it....with Kath and Kim US on tonight hehe. And Idol I guess. But TV What. MAke it good!!

pretty_babyOct 11, 2008

I love Keep up with your love...I cried with laughter. LOLOLOL I love when Britney/Nicole Parker goes all the people in my crew are really young and I am too. LOL And iLOVE everything about Madonna/Mo in that clip. AHHH on the swing lol and the cane part. OMG i was like AHHHHHH WHYY!! hehe Madtv is so good. Hmm my other favourite is Luann Lockhart..on madtv. Shes so funny. ahha

pretty_babyOct 10, 2008

If you ever want a massive laugh..Look up Keep up with your love from madtv on the tube. It has me in stitches everytime. I used to watch Gilmore girls...hehe. Its a cute show!! And about the bonding thing...Its not lame at all!!! Im heaps close to my mum...but we bond over wierd things like the xfiles and kath and kim. LOL!!!! So we are a bit wierd up in qld. I think its in the water. Is it just you and your mum at home..coz its like that for me and I LOVEIT!!

pretty_babyOct 9, 2008

I love that...I watch madtv all the time on youtube. Where did you first see that garden thing??

pretty_babyOct 9, 2008

Ewwww Clean your house or get evicted...it looked pretty nasty...There was some hole on the wall from a racoon or soemthing the old one was saying...They are wack!!! But I shall watch the 3rd one v soon. hehe I love youtube.

pretty_babyOct 9, 2008

I watched the first 2 on youtube...Its a bit weird but weird is good, That mum was naked outside.. and the daughters outfit...lol shes a bit funny and whenthey were fighting over the photo. And its all true?

pretty_babyOct 9, 2008

Hmmm That I have never heard of..But I am loading it up on youtube!!! I hope its funny. LOL

pretty_babyOct 8, 2008

hahahah. Well its probably good that I missed them. Hey do you love kate miller Heidkes new song!!! Im completely obsessed with it. I listen to the sampler on her myspace page like a million times!!!

pretty_babyOct 7, 2008

hahahah it was on sbs, it was a bit random...metro station they do that shake song or something?? I think I heard my cousin play it...

pretty_babyOct 7, 2008

Hey no worries!! Its just such a cute set\:\) Did you watch bogan pride last night???

charrayOct 6, 2008

Just wanted to say Great job on beautiful creations and thanks alot for sharing them \:rah\: \:\) \:\)

pretty_babyOct 4, 2008

He is from your area!! thats cool//well I guess no wonder you saw him at the beach. hehe. A random hug from someone probably would have freaked me out too. But he is amini celebrity he should be used to it. I cannot wait for the american kath and kim, Ive seen a preview on youtube...It doenst look very good, They will probably kill it..but I am definately going to be watching it. hehe

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