jwilmot07 (2053200)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (29 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

No Parking Tank Tees Set #2
Published Mar 3, 2009
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About Me
I'm Jess.
My Latest Updates Show All
New Poll Question!Written May 01, 2009
As promised I have posted a new poll for this month. It's asking what you prefer to download when it comes to custom clothing. So, check it out and earn some extra kudos! :P Last months results were : What Feature of the Sims 3 Are You Looking Forward to the Most? The New Open, Living Neighborhood. | 53.33% (8) Build Mode. | 26.67% (4) Buy... ...More
New Computer! Written Apr 14, 2009
Hey everyone! I haven't been around much lately, regretfully. But this is because I got a new computer! Well, my fiance got a new computer, which means I GOT A NEW COMPUTER! HAha, and it runs the sims like a dream. I'm in the process of installing all my expansions and stuff packs on it, and I loaded it up after installing Seasons (an expansion that kicked my systems butt graphically)... ...More
New Poll Question! Written Mar 01, 2009
I figure I'd try and start each new month with a new poll question. This month I'm asking what features of the Sims 3 do you like the most, and which ones do you like the least. So, feel free to stop by and leave your opinion if you wish! Thanks to all of you who took my poll the last time! The question was asking what you would rather have in regards to the Sims 3 delay. And the... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
strange_characterSep 09, 2009
thank you for your feedback re: my rockingham terrier (Sport) creation. i'm sorry it's taken this long to get back with you,; i've been busy, lol. my dog Bumper actually inspired me... so glad to hear from you again. well, have a great day and thanks again. S_C
WandaJBowenMay 02, 2009
Just stoped by to say hi,and lets you know you had some good polls. If you want stop by and checkout my polls,and screenshots. Thanks for the little fun I had doing polls.
agapi rApr 28, 2009
Hi, I have taken a look now and you can find the pillows here http://www.jaue.com/avalon/msbed8.htm and the photobook is by Cassandre here at TSR. Have a nice day