jwilson5 (558511)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (70 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

flowered shirt
Published Sep 10, 2004
About Me
Do graphic art for a living, love designing clothes and playing computer games. Just learn Photoshop when the Bodyshop came out earlier this year. Never made skins for Sims 1 (didn't have a clue how). I do alot of guy clothes because most folks make female stuff and the guys need clothes too. I love the Myst game series.
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Mistress UselessFeb 07, 2007
Thank you so much for the practical and nice menswear!
luzee12Jan 07, 2005
I love your shirts for elder women, and that jacket you did with the shirt tucked in (for teens). It really bothers me that all the teen shirts expose their stomachs. Thanks so much for your creative work, and please keep at it!