kamiyou (2558247)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (16 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations
![Sims 2 — Doraemon Tribute by kamiyou — I guess he is the most popular manga in the world.. and since he is also](/scaled/1215/w-599h-450-1215989.jpg)
Doraemon Tribute
Published Jul 3, 2009
About Me
when you put something on the net, you know that you can't controll it no more, because it is not yours, but the world own it.. for this reason, I give you the freedom to do what you wish with all my creation: you can use it in lots, films, screenshoot, story, clone it, recolor, edit as you wish, where and when you want... since this is a gift. so feel free (......................)
Well I had family problems, but I'm going to start playing again, and then I'll do more CC soon.
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ChililiJan 21, 2013
Please could you give directions on how you get the furniture on an angle. I have tried everything I can, even read some instructions but I still can't get my furniture on an angle. Can you please help me, simply, or could you do some instructions on it for me and others. ---Your work is great. Thanks
maxinereiDec 09, 2009