kattita (557054)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (27 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Ledbury Market House
Published Jan 7, 2007
About Me
I have been playing since SimCity was on floppy disks. I love The Sims and The Sims 2. I have developed a real interest in architecture because of building houses on The Sims 2. I like to try to recreate famous building, but I also love building and furnishing modern houses. I do have other interests as well though! Old Jags, I play the clarinet, cats...
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charrayJan 22, 2009
You did a fantastic job on your lots Thanks alot for sharing them
ctrbl46Mar 03, 2008
Hi, maybe if you don't mind re-doing the dorm on a different terran. Just hate to not use such a lovely dorm over terran issue... It's up to you, let me know if you can do it...
ctrbl46Mar 03, 2008
Hi, I am sorry to say that I downloaded alot of terrian that look like it fits what you used on the lot for the dorm in accordance with the picture including the light gravel that you mention and it did not work out. So regreatably I am going to have to just not use the dorm. It is a very nice dorm, I do love it. I have tried recovering it, but on the outer parts of it, it would not let me recover it at all,it said I am out of bounds. But thanks very much for the response and the help.