
147Creations 707,026Downloads

keilorr's Blog

New Banner

I fancied a change, so I made a new banner and Avatar..I don't know how long it will be before i get fed up with it and stick the old one back up, but hey ho..Must be the warm weather getting to my brain!

My Personal Policy

Further to a comment that I received about my Vincent Van Gogh set that I have recently published, I wish to state My personal Policy

  • My work is not to be re-uploaded to any other site. I spend time making the dds and simpack files to enable custom content to be added to the game. Although images by Vincent Van Gogh are in the public domain, my package including the preview pictures are not, they are mine. if anyone wants to take a V.V.Gogh image from my page, then they are welcome to it, it does not belong to me so I have no rights to complain if someone uses it. However, the dds files and the simpack files were made by me and I do have a right as to what happens to them. If someone wants to make a set of V.V.Gogh pictures to post either here or elsewhere, then make your own, dont steal mine and claim them as your own.

Some people seem to think that all Artists do is copy a picture to a dds file and take the praise of having created them. The artistry of making custom content falls into two catorgories, one being, people who actually make meshes and create 3 dimensional objects for the game. The other catorgory is the people who take pictures, bother to learn the process of making in game pictures, and make them available to be used as paintings etc in the game. The skill in the latter catorgory is knowing what people are going to download, to know what is desired and also to make a good job of the paintings and present them in an attractive eye catching way. The Best of these people are usually chosen to be Featured and Select artists.

I Dont want you to think that I am on a high horse, but I will not tolerate people dictating their policies and beliefs to me. I abide by the rules of TSR and as long as I do, then the only people I will answer to are TSR themselves. 


....And the mrs (ziggy28)

Here Comes Trouble

It's That Time again..EA games have released yet another expansion pack, 'Ambitions'. I have bought it for my partner ziggy 28..not sure if it was such a wise thing to do. We all know what happens with expansion packs..At the moment it is still safely wrapped up in it's cellophane's in what you could call it's 'unable to screw anyones game up mode' but just wait till it is unleashed..just wait till all those lovely new files are bob howling through your PC..making their way to c:/programfiles/Electronic Arts. then the fun will begin..the forums will be alive with peeps saying 'my download folders dissappeared',' my game won't load',' my game keeps crashing',' mrs crumplebottom is being nice'..not good!..EA games will no doubt release another patch although Sims3 has already got more patches than a tramps vest. Think I I'll organise a fishing trip or a skydive when she finaly stokes up the courage to open the Disk of doom....

Going Green

Keilorr Creations has just gone Green!....I am chuffed to bits about earning enough Kudos points to be able to choose a profile colour. When I got my banner, my points were obliterated and the long road to 2500 points lay ahead.surprisingly though, 2500 points soon built up and here we are, quicker than I could ever imagine.....i'll probably be blue tomorrow

Upcoming work

Hi there and a very good day to all you fellow (and fellowesses..if there is such a word...if there is'nt there ought to be..) Simmers out there on this beautiful planet earth!...

Just a line to let you guys..and guyesses..(word to self...''STOP BEING AN ANNOYING LITTLE ''&%*"%&*&*%'' )..I really have got to get this keyboard looked at.

Where was I ?...oh yes.. just a line to say that my next project is to give you some more pieces of art from the very talented 'Ashley David'...The more astute and tasteful of you out there who have already perused my site in the past (author now gives a 'devil may care toss of his locks..well he would have, if he had any to toss) will have noticed that this will be the second offering from this particular artist. This is because of the wonderful response and plentiful downloads accrued from the first set that I made.

I was myself surprised at the response but then thinking about it more carefuly, realise that you lot are a sophisticated lot and simply adore good taste..dont you?? (Must be the case 'cos you are looking at my blog right now!) to go and collect my 'Getting to be a right little DIVA certificate' see you soon my lovelies..have a nice day!

         'I'm Watching you!'         

 Please note The above picture will not be available for download, although I might be persuaded with an extremely generous offer...everyone has a price!

(just kidding folks)

Pull together

It seems to me that certain people, and they know who they are, are trying to rock the happy boat of TSR by reporting members for submitting certain works and complaining that they are having work refused when others are not. Maybe this is one of the reasons why submissions sometimes remain pending for a long time.

If you have a work refused, or on the pending list for a long time, then just ask why and live with win some, you lose some..c'est la vie. TSR are more than fair generaly in allowing members' submitted material, as I have seen stuff from Disney and the likes in the downloads..and we all know how corporations like Disney view copyright matters.

In my opinion the best way is to use work that is in the public domain or whenever possible to get permission to use material before you spend hours putting your submission together, however, you must be prepared to accept TSR's final decision if you do not follow this way of working.

If this 'snitching' culture continues, then the seeds of destruction will surely be sewn for TSR, as copyright and having to get permission from artist will become a BIG issue and the rules will be tightened so tight it will be unworkable.  So come on members pull together, enjoy TSR and stop snitching on each other!

hey ya!

Hiya all, it's pretty warm here in the UK for the time of year, I have been doing some work outside today, laying the foundations for a wall I am going to build shortly..if only life was as easy in the real world as it is in the Sims world, I could just drag and drop the darned wall without as much as a care in the world for foundations. Wonder if there has ever been a case of subsidence in Pleasant valley?

I dont know if our friends in other parts of the world have to suffer scrap merchants trawling the neighbourhood in a lorry looking for scrap..we do here in the UK  and when they are in your area they blow a flipping trumpet to let you know that they are about. My god what a racket, not one note in tune! you would think that with all the practice that they get during  their 'career' they could go on to perform 'En fermant les yeux '  at the Royal Albert hall when they retire, but so far I have yet to hear of one. If the one who has been around here this morning keeps it up I am gonna shove his flaming trumpet where the sun don't shine.

 okies my lovelies, thats my moan for the day, catch you guys real soon!!..happy Simming!

thought as much!

Well........Just a line to apologise profusely for inflicting you all with the hideous pictures that I made...let me explain how they came to be. It all started when I was standing on my toilet to fix the chain when suddenly I slipped hitting my head on the way was then that I had the vision of a 'flux capacitor' ...hang on, sorry, that was the film I was watching last night, something about going back to the future or something. Come to think of it, that would'nt be such a bad idea at the moment, I could go back in time and kill my art teacher before he has the chance to pass on his 'talents' to me. Thing is though, if I did do that it would mean ruining thousands of photographs  as the art teachers children in them would start fading and disappearing at an alarming rate ...or would they? Lets not go there or we will never have time for our Sims!

I have been making some Pictures today actually, I have made a set of four pictures by the Artist John William Waterhouse so you may want to keep your eyes open for those, they really are very nice. The next thing I am going to make is a nice cup of toodlepip my lovlies and in the words of the prisoner...I'll be seein ya! x

I got my banner!

I watched eagerly as the Kudos meter in the corner finally clicked onto the 3000 points mark...Yipeee..I can have my banner! The very same banner that has been sitting in a dusty old folder on my desktop for many an eon..well ok, for two days. I couldn't wait to go find it and proudly post it on my minisite. I would love to say that it was the proudest moment in my life and thank my parents and partner who have given me so much support during my time as a bannerless member of TSR...but that would be silly, so I wont.

Also I have dared to create some original paintings in my painter classic and psp programs, I have posted them but half expect to be pelted with rotten eggs for my efforts..time will tell, I may be surprised.then again...I will most probabaly wont!

I was really impressed by the amount of members here at TSR who have a real liking for the likes of William Turner. I have recently made some Turner paintings..(let me quickly point out that when I say 'made some Turner paintings' I did'nt mean I have been in the basement with some moody canvas and oil paints burning the midnight oil heading up an international arts forgey racket..) I mean that I have posted some facsimiles of some Turner paintings on here for you lot and your sims to enjoy! The response was so good that I have made and posted another five for your delight. You will be able to download them in a Cpl of days or so.

Right, thats me done for now, I am going to visit my granny because she has had all her teeth out and a gas cooker put in today..poor dear!

see you soon my lovelies! TTFN

ps..was a lie about my granny, she died in 1976

My Banners a coming!

Hi there fellow Simmers, Just to let you guys and gals know that I will soon have enough kudos to be able to get a nice shiny banner. As you will notice, I have already replaced my Avatar with a less menacing picture..(those cybermen always  did have me hiding behind the sofa when I was a kid!) Catch up with you guys real soon!

Latest Headlines

New Banner My Personal Policy Here Comes Trouble Going Green Upcoming work Pull together hey ya! thought as much! I got my banner! My Banners a coming!
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