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kezsridg's Guestbook

tey711Sep 24, 2008

Hello kezsridg, I may need to jog your memory \:D ... back in July you had posted a request in the showcase forums on my 'Modern Minimalist' thread and asked me to please let you know when that lot would be available for download. Well, beleive it or not, after all this time it became available today! Life came along and waylaid me which is why it took me so long to finish the lot and upload it. I hope you are still interested and I look forward to any feedback on how your Sims like the lot! Loved you story! \:wub\: I will be back for more chapters! \:D ... tey

newbie.t.Sep 22, 2008

Hi kez, and thank you! You're right, Bain is Bainya, and he'll definitely be reappearing. But I won't sayany more than that... \;\) The old characters will be reappearing, but it won't be for a while yet! I'm 5 episodes ahead, and they're still not there. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy getting to know the knew characters just as much. Thanks again! \:\) \:wub\:

maxi kingSep 14, 2008

\:wub\: Thank you for your comment on my story!\:wub\:

newbie.t.Sep 10, 2008

Hi kez, thank you for your message! I can confirm that the the Big Scary Strong Man was not Swindle! \:D He's need to do some serious hours in the gym to look like that, and I don't think he'd have the perseverence! \;\) I hope you'll continue to enjoy all the twists and turns of the story! \:\)

newbie.t.Sep 6, 2008

Hi kez, and thank you for reading! \:\) Yes, Releena is in charge of Roser for the time being. As for Swindle... I can't say \;\) I promise you will found out, but it may be quite a while... There's plenty of new characters to meet first! I hope you'll enjoy getting to know them as much as Releena, Swindle, Klimt and Harquay. Thank you for reading! \:\) \:\) \:\)

newbie.t.Aug 27, 2008

Thank you kez, for reading and for all your kind comments, always a pleasure to read. I really do appreciate them. I'm glad you've enjoyed the story, and there's definitely more to come! I have a side mini-project coming up very soon, and of course MediEvil 2! I hope you'll enjoy them just as much. Until then, thank yo uvery much indeed! \:\) \:\) \:\)

newbie.t.Aug 26, 2008

Thank you for the lovely compliment! \:wub\: \:D I'm glad you liked the twist, hope you didn't see it coming! And I hope you enjoy the last part of the story too. Thank you very much! \:D \:\)

newbie.t.Aug 24, 2008

[Gazing at deagh's shiny-thing] *Ooooooh* So....pretty.... [Blinks] Hm? What just happened? [Checks the GB is still in my possession] \:D Thank you! I'm not sure why I'm so hellbent on destroying my pretty sims... I may have problems... \:confused\: And thank you for your comment on The Beach! That was sooo long ago, I didn't realise anyone still read it! My computer back then was EVIL! How I didn't smash it up when it crashed for the eighth time in one episode, I don't know... \:eek\: Anyway, thank you very much! \:D

deaghAug 21, 2008

\:lol\: oh, this is a very friendly guestbook war, no worries! /Deagh distracts Tony with something shiny and filches the guestbook right from under his nose! Thanks for commenting on part 2 as well - glad you enjoyed it! Hopefully part 3 will be out this weekend. \:\) /me slides the guestbook back under Tony's nose and wanders off

newbie.t.Aug 21, 2008

Oh no, my monopoly has been overthrown! [Me waves back at deagh, then snatches guestbook back to where it should be] *Yoink!* \:D Sorry about Swindle, I ain't finished messing with him yet! It might not be very pretty... Thanks for your comment! \:\)

deaghAug 20, 2008

Look, someone other than newbie.t. is signing your guestbook! \:D /me waves at Tony, then sneaks the guestbook away when he's not looking... Thanks for your comment on my story, "Catch a Falling Star". I'm glad you enjoyed it! Time will tell as to whether Lhuwhon (pronounced Loo-wahn, the h's are mostly silent) finds that special someone or not! \:D Thanks for your comment on my story, "Catch a Falling Star". I'm glad you enjoyed it! Next chapter should be out within the next day or two! Glad you're liking Sound Decision as well - hopefully I'll get to update that one in the next few days as well. Next chapter should be out within the next day or two!

newbie.t.Aug 20, 2008

Lol, oh no, hogging again! Thank you very much for the compliment, I'm glad you're enjoying what my blood, sweat and tears went into. [Nice visual image there \:puke\: ] \:\) \:D

newbie.t.Aug 17, 2008

Lol, surely everyone'd like a bit of the Swindle-Love? \;\) Sorry i'm hogging your guest book! Good luck on getting a good night's sleep, and thank you! \:\)

newbie.t.Aug 14, 2008

Nothing like late night story reading \;\) \:D I always end up do the same with wikipedia! \:o I'm glad you liked it, so thank you for your comment! \:\) \:D

newbie.t.Aug 13, 2008

Thanks for the comment kez, lovely to read! I'm happy you think they're getting better, means I'm learning something. Thanks again, I really appreciate it! \:\)

newbie.t.Aug 11, 2008

Thanks for your message! [Gushes] I'm not a weed! \:wub\: \:D \:o \:D Lord of the Rings is the only fantasy story I've ever read. I only really started this type of story because I was intrigued by some of the custom content. But I can definitely see its appeal! I realy enjoy escaping to another world! I think its because things like monsters and vampires might be scary, but they're easier to deal with than real life problems. Just get a pointy stick and you're sorted! Anyway, I've rambled on (as usual) so let me just say thank you again, I'm glad you're enjoying it and I hope you'll like the rest. \:\) \:\) \:\)

newbie.t.Aug 9, 2008

Hello there! Thank you for reading, and for your nice comments! Of course, I'm not going to tell you what's happening with Sligh and the King -I'm evil like that as you will see- but I hope you'll enjoy finding out. Thanks again! \:\)

tonya99rnJul 24, 2008

Thanks so much for reading Trials of Ruby!\:\)

cpyle822Jul 2, 2008

Thank you for reading Gilded Hearts, I am so glad you liked it. \:D \:cool\:

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