kiksjaz1201 (11085387)
About Me
🏖️🏖️🌸Aloha people, welcome to my description I am in need of realistic content that is availible and not VIP as im not buying it unfortuantly!But I am looking for clothes hairs for toddlers etc. also you can tell me also if you have any thats good for adults teens children and many more in game that does not bring viruses glitches and errors like many more as i have experienced that with my past searching of the sims 4!I also love making new avatars and experimenting with them by many things such as different roles of jobs age or being preo etc.I can tell that was long so I am going to let you off now.See you later peeps🏖️🏖️🌸
🏖️🏖️🌸 S A Y O N A RA < 3🏖️🏖️🌸