kittydiva_2017 (1418626)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (6 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

The Randolf
Published Nov 30, 2010
About Me
Hello Everyone! My name is Catherine and I am 24 years old. I currently reside in a three bedroom townhouse with my fiance. I work part time as a collections account manager and simming is one of my passions! I am currently working on a few stories and I hope you enjoy them. Once my fiance leaves for basic training, I will begin uploading houses that I've created. I haven't yet because we try to spend a lot of time together because he will be off to basic in about 4 months. Feel free to sign my guestbook and leave comments!
My Latest Updates Show All
Frustrated with the submission processWritten Oct 16, 2010
Okay so, I revised my next chapter for the hundredth time because TSR thinks that teens can't be slapped by their parents in the game. Well, in case some of you are lost, they CAN be slapped by their parent or any adult if their relationship is bad enough. I'm not understanding why they make it so hard to post stories. My stories have no profanity, nudity, murder, or incest or anything being... ...More
So many projects, so little timeWritten Oct 09, 2010
Okay so, I just began making houses that are starting to be available for download. Of course I will still post my stories but I wanted to see how well I would do making houses. My first home is a test. I just did my second home and I have to say, I LOVE the way that it looks! It should be available tomorrow for downloads. I'm not expecting a bombardment of downloads because I just began... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
spladoumNov 28, 2010
Hi Catherine! Thank you for the comments on my stories, I really appreciate them As for writing one-shots, two things have helped me (both here and on other sites). One is to have the ending in mind, instead of letting it "come" to you. If you already know where you intend to go, you usually get there much faster. The other is to make the story as simple as possible. I try to make my one-shots fit into a single sentence synopsis. This isn't to say that you can't have a long story, but it's usually easier to start off with less and feel your way up to more. I'll be looking for your work. Good luck!
Ben72006Nov 04, 2010
ur welcome and I can't wait for more
spladoumNov 03, 2010
Of course, and I don't doubt for a moment that he means nothing but the best. My feelings on the matter, though, are that if he's been talking to her for as long as they have been through IM and she hasn't been crying "Get me outta this house" in every conversation, he should have asked , not told her she was coming with him. (This is no reflection on the way you wrote it, btw.) I'm sure he knows better than she does--that much is obvious--but people in her shoes are usually in denial about how bad things really are. I'll be waiting anxiously for part 5.