kvdoglover (2052070)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (2 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Prince Caspian
Published May 23, 2009
About Me
Hmmm, what can I say about myself? I guess I�m a (painfully) shy person on 1st meeting� and 2nd and 3rd- Oh I don�t know, give me about a week or so and you�ll probably find me to be an obnoxious goofball either with her head stuck in a medieval fictional novel or a girl who couldn�t keep a straight face if her life depended on it. If it wasn�t for my deep love of fashion design it�s been said I�d either be an actress, comedian or, (*snicker*) a tennis player-HA,ha haha...as if!
Random Facts:
Favorite Book: The Holy Bible (not yet finished with it but pretty close), Voices in the Wind (like close to the most depressing tearjerker in the world), and Until they Bring the Street Cars Back, The Nine Days Queen *to name a few*
Favorite Game Characters: Sonic the Hedgehog and Kim Kaphwan from KOF; Don't mess with Kim! Hibiki Takane is awesome aswell
Favorite food: Hmm, that's hard. Probably pizza, penne pasta and New York style CHEESECAKE!!!
Favorite movie characters: Anakin Skywalker, Luke Skywalker, D'Artagnan (3 Musketeers of course
My Latest Updates Show All
A letter from Love, to Love:Written Aug 29, 2012
"Besides a glance, a faint look Gone in an instant, it was. It's the premise of art, yet it remains artless, in it's truest form. It flickers past pupils, dances between fingers caresses over words, so lightly. Instills one's actions. A conqueror of death, The provocation of courage and shall, upon the person be, the birth and vanquish of... ...More
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zodapopSep 06, 2012
Thank you for your guestbook entry. Have a nice day.
brandonbehrmannMar 14, 2010
TALENT. That one word sums up kvdoglover.