
281Creations 510,868Downloads

laura_peace_love's Guestbook

Mistress UselessFeb 22, 2007

Thanks for your cute purple stripe pants!

Mistress UselessFeb 8, 2007

Thanks for the cool Emily Strange clothes!

WickedMayesJuggaletteMay 22, 2005

hey was reading your about me it says your __ years HOLD instead of old....just thought i would help you out! lol im learning languages too but unlike you i like them. but i can understand why you wouldnt want to take greek or latin....i mean youd never use studying french german japanese and sign language because i hope to be a foreign language teacher some day. ANYWAYS i just stopped in to tell you that your something for your girl 2 is remarkable and looks great! and i really like the facial expression on your avatar. anyways keep up the awesome work \:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\:

oldmember_nosmo1May 1, 2005

Your I'm a Boy undies look great! Could you perhaps make some "alternative" styles, a frillier set for teen and young adult gay males? Thank you!

nablanablaApr 15, 2005

I love your work, Your gothic clothing is some of the best on the site, keep up the good work \:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\:

Little SeerFeb 15, 2005

I love your creations. You're amazing!\:wub\:

netzaFeb 14, 2005

Great clothing!

oldmember_heyfoureyesFeb 14, 2005

Thank you so much for making short hair for women! I have been looking for really short hair for a long time -- this is the first one I've seen. You're brilliant! Ciao bella from the U.S. \:rah\:

oldmember_Soup66666Jan 27, 2005

hey there... i love your stuff! good to see someone who is not making abercrombie and aeropostle stuff. \:\)

oldmember_ZaefireJan 27, 2005

I appreciate your work..have a lot of it in my game. Thanks for sharing your talent \:\)

WickedMayesJuggaletteJan 15, 2005

Just thought i would say that its funny that you said "looks good on fat sims too" lol funny.\:D

oldmember_BlackBartJan 6, 2005

Excellent job, I always appreciate good alternative style

nebulaJan 1, 2005

ciao ciao innanzitutto, volevo farti i complimenti per le tue creazioni, sei molto brava... ho scaricato parecchie cosette create da te, almeno finchè mi è stato possibile, non essendo io registrata... anzi, è proprio di questo che volevo parlarti... c'è una tua acconciatura che è una figata, e per la precisione quella color viola, asimmetrica e rasata sotto... sai dirmi in anticipo se un giorno potrò vederla fra quelle scaricabili gratuitamente? così almeno mi metto l'anima in pace... grazie bella, alla prossima... lisa

nebulaJan 1, 2005

ciao ciao innanzitutto, volevo farti i complimenti per le tue creazioni, sei molto brava... ho scaricato parecchie cosette create da te, almeno finchè mi è stato possibile, non essendo io registrata... anzi, è proprio di questo che volevo parlarti... c'è una tua acconciatura che è una figata, e per la precisione quella color viola, asimmetrica e rasata sotto... sai dirmi in anticipo se un giorno potrò vederla fra quelle scaricabili gratuitamente? così almeno mi metto l'anima in pace... grazie bella, alla prossima... lisa

oldmember_666najA666Dec 30, 2004

u make kool clothes... see my sim-ie, she likey... but unfortanatly i didnt see them before i made her *sad*

oldmember_blabluDec 16, 2004

hai name is cynthia, i'm a sims addict also and i'm very impressed to see your work...i love the one with glossy lip..theya re very beautiful! Anyway, i would like to know how you create all of those...what kind of software did you use?Do you use the sims body shop or with what? I am very very like to know that because i wanted to create my own sims with my own imagination, not only using the tools that have exist. So, if you don;t mind to tell me that i would be very thankful and nice to know you Laura... Thank you...\:\)

ChIkA_LaTiNaDec 15, 2004

Oh...and u kno ur jeans that say Punk on the butt? ARE THEY AVAILABLE!?

ChIkA_LaTiNaDec 10, 2004

Eres de Italia, ¿no? whats up grrl? Check my guestbook out

vixin1027Dec 2, 2004

ohlala\:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\: your stuff is the best some i grew up with (80's ahhhhhhh) lol keep it up to bad i missed most of your stuff i hope it comes up free again if not could you resubmit it? i would love that the all-howlos-eve stuf the most well see ya around

WembeleyNov 21, 2004

Wow! You did a great job creating yourself as a sim. Ever try a celebrity? I think you'd be good. Anyway, love your creations, especially the makeup.\:rah\:

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