
104Creations 74,290Downloads

leah2003's Guestbook

charrayFeb 9, 2009

I love your creations \:\)  You are a wonderful artist. Thanks so much for sharing them \:rah\:

jerifMar 19, 2007

Your houses are gorgeous

mightyfaithgirlMar 6, 2007

I just discovered your creations!WOW! thanks so much!\:rah\:

maeuscheenMar 1, 2007

das glitzerkleid für kleinkinder is voll süß mein kompliment

LaurieRAug 25, 2006

I love the toddler clothes! You pay attention to detail and it shows! Thank you for sharing your creations.\:D

evetsangelMay 25, 2006

You make such adorable toddler clothes. \:wub\: Thank you for your hard work and for sharing.

BD514Mar 8, 2006

I hadn't been to TSR in a while & so I too love the toddlers & thats the first thing I was looking at when I spotted your toddler's clothes. All I can say is Wow! Your toddler clothes are among the best that I have ever seen. I just love each & every one of them. Simply fantastic and the thing I love the most about them is that you have kept them looking like toddlers,they look very natural & the way that toddlers should look. Would love to see you make these dresses to match for little girls, I for one like my children to look like children & not some small time floozie's. Yours look like the way I remember children look & the way that my Grandchildren dress, I guess I'm telling my age, since I'm a Grandma, but I am just so excited about your clothes. As for the little girls in the game, they only look to be around 6 years old to me & allot of the creators make them to look like teens so would love to see you make some dresses for them too. Thank you so much for such beautiful clothes and for enhancing my game, can't wait to see what you make next & to see these in my game. \:rah\: \:rah\: Simply the best!!!!!

clcny20Feb 3, 2006

By the way, Josh Groban makes me melt. His voice is enough to stop me in the middle of whatever I'm doing, and truly shake me down to my very soul! Good choice for an avator, hehe \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:

clcny20Feb 3, 2006

Look at you go!!!!!! I haven't been able to play my game because my computer encountered problems back in October '05, but I'm getting a new laptop on Monday (yipee!!!!!) so now I'm preparing myself by downloading as much as I can, and lo and behold, I came across your creations! Fantastic. Great job \:cool\:

tsourekiFeb 2, 2006

I wanted to sign your gb to let you know what a wonderful job you've been doing with the toddler clothing. Since the toddler stage is my favorite, it seems as though I download more clothing for them than any other age group. Thank you for all of your tireless efforts, looking forward to seeing even more of your work! \:D

tasiaxJan 31, 2006

I see by your Avatar that you are a Josh Groban Fan \:wub\: . I was just searching forums and saw your avatar and just had to comment. I am a major Grobanite. it is nice to know that there are other simmers who like the magnificant voice sigh... and those curls and eyes..... I wish I could make a proper josh sim I tried but it isn't as good as I wish it would have been.

stephiegeneJan 27, 2006

Youre welcome hon. Id only downloaded the skins when I commented, now that Ive seen them in my game...WOW, theyre awesome...excellent work for someone who is a veteran, so being a newbie to skinning, wow, you deserve to be VERY proud of your work xxx

stephiegeneJan 21, 2006

Ive just downloaded a load of your toddler outfits...theyre AWESOME...VERY VERY high quality work, thanks for letting us have them.

ChIkA_LaTiNaOct 16, 2005

OMG OMG OMG r u SERIOUS!?!?!?!?!?! i LOOOOOVE Josh Groban! Wasn't he on ALly McBeal or something and then they found he had an awesome voice? OMG YOU MET HIM???? Was he nice? Did you have backstage passes or something? Thats FRIGGIN AWESOME i knew he was a sweetie first time I saw him

ChIkA_LaTiNaOct 16, 2005

heyyyyyy girl whozda guy in ur avatar?

Someone88Aug 31, 2005

can i ask how y do that...how can y'r pregnant woman wear same clothes tht she wear when she's not pregnant...how y do that ?

clcny20May 18, 2005

I'm glad you enjoy the toddler outfits that you requested, more to come. If you have anymore suggestions, send em my way, and I'll see what I can do. Had fun making that red ruffled pant suit one =)

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