littlecritter (1483240)
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padreMay 01, 2008
Thanks for your comment, Lil'critter! I am thrilled to pieces that you enjoy cluttering up your Sim's homes with my junk!! Thanks again! Peace. p
aikea_guineaJan 30, 2008
I have no idea how to help you out with the problem you're running into now. If you want, feel free to PM me with some screencaps; maybe something will 'click' and we'll be able to get this figured out.
aikea_guineaJan 28, 2008
Hi! You had a question about 'Build DXT' in my tutorial on unlocking hidden outfits... You need to download the DDS Utilities before you'll have that option. After installing them, you'll need to go into Preferences in SimPE and tell it where they're installed. The default installation is generally C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Copreration\DDS Utilities\nvdxd.exe. Let me know if you have any problems!