liveoutloud (2670115)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (1 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

The Henly
Published Aug 15, 2009
About Me
Indeed I intend to live out loud in spite of the many cautious glares that slip from the eyes of adults. No, I will not back down in my attempts to be what I want to be...
God, this already sounds like a class president speech... In other words that are less dramatic than those mentioned, I am a high school student drudging through and only getting by because of my friends, and my love of the Sims 3. Yes I have indeed played every other game, from the Sims Hot Date, to the Sims 2 Seasons. Therefore I am not a virgin in the Sims world to put it in perspective.
I operate using a Mac OS X and I download many things from other sites including XM Sims, Peggyzone, and the one and only TSR. I am irritated by (.packages) and have only recently began to understand how they work after many hours of digging through files and researching petty Yahoo Answers.
I will be uploading content mainly in the form of sims themselves and houses since I am not technologically inclined to create much of anything. I will always include where I downloaded custom content used on the sims and in the houses, most of the content is from TSR, with very few from other sites. I will have to dig to find artists and such, but because I love you guys... Not really that's kind of creepy, but I will do it because of the hoard of amazingly talented artists on here. All of my content will be free because honestly, I think it's a little ridiculous to have to pay for digital creations, no matter how elaborate they are. Feedback is always appreciated and thanked for by me downloading something of yours, or a comment itself.
I hope you enjoy what I create, and until later, au revoir (:
My Latest Updates Show All
Finally Some Updates!Written Jun 12, 2010
Finally getting started on here everyone, well, whoever has even seen my page (: Anyways, I will be making two sims that will be up for grabs, free and I will list the sites where I got the clothing, hair, and skin. Hints: Two celebrities. Both Woman. One is a famous singer, the other an actress. Blonde and beautiful. Charming and humble. Both of their names start with... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
ekinegeJun 14, 2011
Hi! Thank you so much for your lovely comment on the "Strapless Swing Dress-S62". Have a great day.
ekinegeJun 10, 2011
Hi! Thank you so much for your lovely comment on the "Strapless Swing Dress-S62". Have a great weekend.
shadow66Jul 10, 2010
Hi and Welcome! Just stopped by to say thanks for your comment on my 'Essence of the Tropics' paintings - what a coincidence, but now you can enjoy them in real life and in your game!