lollylopmr (2457791)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (8 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Published May 2, 2014
About Me
Just another Sim Enthusiast. I have played since Sims 1. But have only created one thing worthy of uploading for Sims 2 and three things so far for Sims 3. If you want to see my Sims 2 content go to GOS (Garden of Shadows) it is a set of wings. If you like the stuff I have made for Sims 3 tell me so, and give me feedback so I can get better. And just for the record I can and often do make regular human characters and clothing I just like fantasy Sims better(more interesting), but if you want regular Sims just tell me.
By the way sign the guestbook.
My Latest Updates Show All
I am backWritten Feb 14, 2013
I am getting back into playing sims 3, after taking a break for a while. Currently I am trying to redo my scales from scratch to make them much better ...More
CreationsWritten Feb 28, 2010
I am a college student so the amount of time I can spend creating is limited, also I cant mesh very well at this time but I am practicing. Any feed back or guest book signings are greatly apppriciated ...More