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love-marta's Guestbook

BBKZNov 17, 2007 - TSR nie zrobilo jeszcze polskiej wersji jezykowej swojego forum. Ale w zwiazku z tym, ze coraz wieksze zainteresowanie jest uzytkownikow wlasnie z Polski, to nie omieszkam pogadac z adminami w sprawie prac nad udostepnieniem polskiego forum tutaj. \:\) Pozdrawiam!

BBKZNov 14, 2007

Hej... Ciezko byloby mi pisac wszystko od poczatku. Ale jakis czas temu dla polskiej stronki napisalam instrukcje wrzucania tutaj dodatkow (na podstawie wlasnie ubranka), wiec prosze zajrzec tutaj: ... Nie trzeba byc zalogowanym, by przeczytac te instrukcje... Zrob wszystko tak, jak napisalam, a bedzie OK \:\) Pozdrawiam! BasiaBKZ

myladycravenNov 12, 2007

Hi there love-marta, Thank you for the lovely comments on my Elizabeth Rose Bride gown. I really appreciate it! \:D I'm glad you like it. Have a great week, Take care and have fun with the new outfits \:\) Lady Craven

Angelbabe1983Nov 12, 2007

Heya! \:D Thanks for the comment you left on my Georgia Hair Set. It's very much appreciated and always lovely to get comments from you! \:\) Have a great day! \:wub\: Louise.

Angelbabe1983Nov 11, 2007

Hey Martha! \:D Thanks for the comment you left on my Grace Hair Set. It's very much appreciated! \:\) Have a great day! \:wub\: Louise.

Angelbabe1983Nov 9, 2007

Hey, no i can't send anything else to you. I only did that once because of the meshes. You'll just have to download my stuff from here. Thank you though for being so keen to have my stuff, but i'm afraid i can't send it to you. \:wub\: Louise.

PurrfessionalNov 7, 2007

Heya! Pozdrawiam!\:\))) O Bibs tu byla hihihi\:\)

karolina-kulikNov 6, 2007

Hej! Zadko pisze tu po polsku, bo denerwuja mnie krateczki zamiast polskich znakow. Ale duzo jest tu Polakow, z tego zauwazylam. Pozdrawiam!!! \:D

BBKZNov 6, 2007

Witaj ponownie... Jak sie robi ubranka? Hmm, dlugo by sie rozpisywac. Potrzebny jest Warsztat, jakis program graficzny (odradzam Paint, ktory nie ma prawie zadnych opcji), zdjecia ubranek oraz... odrobina talentu \;\) W necie trzeba sobie poszukac odpowiednich zdjec. Tak, by bylo widac ubranko z przodu oraz z tylu. Najlepiej z jakimis zgieciami, faldkami itp. Odpowiednie zdjecie to juz polowa sukcesu \:\) W Warsztacie wybierasz sobie mesha i w programie graficznym nakladasz to zdjecie ubranka, odpowiednimi opcjami dopasowujesz, przycinasz, rozciagasz itp. W Warsztacie odswiezasz sobie widok i jak efekt koncowy bedzie zadowalajacy, to zapisujesz swoje ubranko... W necie jest sporo instrukcji, jak po kolei zrobic kroki, by wybrac w Warsztacie odpowiedni mesh, jak go wyeksportowac do programu graficznego itp. To nie jest trudne, choc na pierwszy rzut oka moze byc niezrozumiale... Na polskim simowym forum sa przetlumaczone z angielskiego instrukcje, wiec tam poczytaj sobie, co i jak \:\) ... Nie zrazaj sie tym, ze Twoje pierwsze ubranka moga byc slabe albo i nawet brzydkie. Ja sama az w szoku jestem, jak patrze na swoje pierwsze "kicze" i porownuje z tym, co robie teraz... Na nauke wszystkiego, co z robieniem ubranek (i innych dodatkow) zwiazane, trzeba poswiecic mnostwo czasu oraz cierpliwosci. Do dzisiaj najlepsi simowi artysci maja gorsze dni, w ktorych nic im nie wychodzi. Ale zaraz potem przychodzi moment "weny" i nowe ciuszki ida jak burza \:\) Moglabym naprawde dluuugooo o tym pisac. Najprosciej bedzie, jak skorzystasz z polskiego forum, z dzialu z poradnikami. Poradniki maja tam tez zdjecia z kazdego kroku, jaki trzeba zrobic. Szybko i latwo nauczysz sie podstaw robienia ubranek \:\) W razie czego - oczywiscie mozesz pytac dalej, odpowiem \:\) Powodzenia!

Angelbabe1983Nov 6, 2007

Hey, i have quite a bit more stuff Uploaded and should be coming out within the next week. So you will just have to be patient LOL! I'm glad everything worked out okay for you. Have Fun! \:wub\: Louise

BBKZNov 5, 2007

Jak tylko bede umiala pomoc, to pomoge \:\) W razie czego jednak prosilabym o cierpliwosc - pracuje na dwa etaty i jestem nieco zabiegana, wiec czasami na drugi dzien musze odpisac z braku czasu \:\) Mimo to jednak - jak wiedze mam, to chetnie sie nia podziele... Pozdrawiam!

BBKZNov 5, 2007

Hej Marta \:\) Bardzo milo mi jest zajrzec na profil kolejnej osoby z Polski. Zawsze cieplej na duszy sie robi, gdy na zagranicznym, tak wielkim serwerze simowym spotyka sie kogos ze swoich rodakow... Pozdrawiam! Barbara \:\)

Angelbabe1983Nov 4, 2007

To get my red profile i had to save up my Kudos Points. If you look to the left of the page it tells you how much Kudos you have. At the moment it looks as though you have 1106. To change your colour you need to have 2500. So keep commenting on people's creations and thanking people etc and you will have your points in no time. Once you have enough you can go to the Kudos Shop, which if you go to the top of your page where the big K is and click on that, then click on Kudos Shop which is on the left hand side you will see a list of things that you can buy with your Kudos Points. One of them is to be able to change the colour of your profile. I'm happy to help you! I have some more clothing coming out during the week that you don't need the meshes for. But there is also a couple that will need meshes. Have Fun! And if you ever have anymore questions or need anymore help just let me know! \:wub\: Louise

Angelbabe1983Nov 4, 2007

Unfortunately any hair that i upload here has to have the mesh. There's nothing i can do about hair. But if you look at some of my new clothing sets you will find that they don't need meshes. 3 sets of mine that came out today all don't need meshes. I am sending you the meshes for the Hair Sets right now. Enjoy!

Angelbabe1983Nov 4, 2007

Hey, Don't be silly i'm happy to help you. If you are talking about my Hair Sets that have just come out then you would be having problems getting the mesh. The site that you need to get the mesh from is not working at the moment so i have been emailing people the meshes. If there is one that you want them just let me know your email address and i will send them to you. \:wub\: Louise.

Angelbabe1983Nov 3, 2007

Cancel the last part of my last comment. I see you know how to upload screenshots. The other pictures that i have uploaded are all to display my work. When you submit something it needs to have a picture showing what it is. So if you want to do the same you need to make something and submit it.

Angelbabe1983Nov 3, 2007

Hello again, the reason that my stuff may not be working is because some of it needs meshes. All of my hair needs meshes for them to work in your game. Down below where it says "get mesh from....." You need to go to that link and download the mesh as well as my item and install them both. You need to save them into your downloads folder and then unzip them with a program like Winzip. As for getting pictures do you mean the pictures i have on the bottom of my page? If so then you need to go to "Submit" at the top of the page and choose "Submit Screenshot". You then find your picture on your computer and follow the rest of the steps. But you need to make sure that your picture is .jpg for it to show up on your page. It won't come up straight away you need to give it a little while.

Angelbabe1983Nov 3, 2007

Hey! \:D Welcome to TSR! Thanks so much for the comment you left me on one of my creations. I appreciate it very much. As for the questions you have asked below here are the answers... To have people sign your guestbook it's a good idea to sign other people's guestbooks if you like their creations or screenshots etc. Another great way is to comment on people's creations. Most creators will leave a "thank you" in your guestbook like i did. Lastly to subscribe you need to go to the "Account" Tab at the top of the page and click on Renew Subscription and then just follow it from there. Hope i have helped you and have a great day! \:wub\: Louise.

love-martaNov 2, 2007

Hello! I don't know what i should do? Is there anybody who want to hel me?\:rah\:

love-martaNov 1, 2007

Why do you like the sims2? i think it is fun game. I do more kids and dead it. horrible I know. \:mad\:

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