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luckylibran242's Blog

Sims Ultimate Collection!!

Wooop! Great news simmers! 


Apparently anyone who has the sims2 digital version in their origin account will be getting the sims 2 ultimate collection any day now for freeeeee!! This means you get the entire series :) Hopefully this will inspire some of you sims3-ers to get back to another brilliant game :D I might even have time to create some more custom content if interest picks up in the sims 2 again. 

Something to keep you going/try someone new if you don't have all the packs the first time, while we wait patiently for the sims 4! (Not to mention the CAS demo on August 12, rumoured date). 


Happy Simming!!


here's a link to the FAQ:


Annie xoxo

Ready for Spring

Hello friends,

It's been a busy month and I have been neglecting my sims but I'm working on some new outfits for the sunny weather this weekend. I'm also feeling rather excited by the return of Game of Thrones so I might make something GoT related if it works out well! Don't know how interested people might be in that, if you are please comment! :) Hopefully will have something uploaded this week. 


Annie xoxo

February update

Happy February!

With rainy Janruary gone I'm feeling a bit more creative again so will be working on some new projects this weekend. Not sure where to go with this yet but current ideas are apartments, or clothes (one item I have ready but will probably make a set for Feb) or possibly swimwear. Any preferences or things you'd like to see please leave me a comment and I may change my priorities :)

Thank you to all my followers for keeping track on my page - I really appreciate your support, especially with the sims 2 taking a back seat to newer games. I still love it! :D Also thank you to everyone who takes the time to comment on my work, lovely to see :) 

In sum, new stuff is on it's way. Keep checking in! Thanks! Hope everyone has a great weekend! 

Annie xoxo

Skin deep

Now that the festive period is nearly over I have turned my attention back to more everyday things...well, and the odd fantasy idea! In the pipeline are some new skins (the first I have made) which have rather nerdy tattoos (all will be revealed soon!) as well as some eye makeup (lashes) and some eyes which I am not completely happy with at the moment so they may be on hold while I put together a really good set (hopefully!). 

Lots going on, but I am also very busy with work! Hopefully I will be able to get in game screen shots soon so they can be uploaded this week. It would be helpful to know what my followers are particularly interested in for my future work. :) 


Thanks for checking in! 

Annie xoxo

Happy December!

Hello friends,


In addition to my christmas onesies and new snowy cottage, I shall be trying to create more winter wonderland creations :) If anyone would like anything in particular there's no harm in leaving me a comment on here and I'll see if I can come up with something! No promises, but I'm always looking for inspiration :) 


I will most likely be creating some more pajamas soon and some novelty jumpers. These take time so please be patient, but I shall try to have some more things up before christmas is over! Happy simming! xoxo

Christmas Onesies

Coming soon! Christmas onesie's for men and women adults. Created, purchased by my sims, currently preparing for their big photo opp and a wintery scene :)

Annie xoxo

Outback Hideaway

New lot has been submitted - just waiting for approval. 

It is a small lot with a small lake and rustic natural items covering the house. Inspired by the sorts of rustic yet modern homes in the Austrailian rainforest. Feedback is always appreciated, so please comment if you like what I make. Should be approved today hopefully :) 


Annie xoxo


My latest (and possibly last) set has been submitted - just waiting for approval :)

Yes, I check back every hour! Here's a preview of one of them:

New dresses coming soon!

Hello all,


Finally worked my way around some glitches and managed to start taking photos of my latest dress creations! :) I will work on them tomorrow and they will definately be up by the weekend :) 

There are 3 dresses in the set - all look quite similar just variations of each other. They are for children. They are pretty navy blue lace dresses with beautiful lace socks and tights. :) I hope you like them as I don't think I'm able to make any more clothes after this lot - my body shop crashes after 5 second but these I had premade on my old computer - managed to save their file! Comments and feedback appreciated. xoxo

Back up and running! (windows 8) :)

Hi all!


So I have got my game running!! YAAAAAAY! (when I say running I mean it loads, and allows some gameplay longer than 1 minute!) SO I shall apptempt to start creating again! 

This means a few changes, for my regular followers:

1) I have had to reinstall the games through origin - they didn't have all the packs I have bought on disk so I now have less expansion packs, this is good news for downloaders as my houses etc will require less packs.

2)some of the creations I had ready but hadn't photographed are lost to me :(  as I can't transfer over my saves anymore.

But on the positiive side of things, I should be back in business!! :) 


For those of you also struggling to get windows 8 to run the game: I contacted ea support online using the online messenger chat (really good system) and they gave me new game codes so I could get a digital copy to run through origin (the new download platform for ea) so basically now I no longer use the disks I had previously bought. I was able to install the new versions of the game (double deluxe as base now instead of the 4 disker!) and it has a few bugs in that the terrain in neighbourhood looks wrong and it would crash, but since installing some other packs and running them in windows 7 it seems to run ok once you're in the lot. I found trying to visit another lot crashed it. Also I had read somewhere about running it without your computer being connected to the internet so I'm taking no risks and running it with the laptop offline. I managed to play earlier without crashing until I tried to move lots. So far this is the best it's run on windows 8! I hope this helps those of you struggling like I was - it really is easy and worth talking to the ea support team online, they are really helpful :)


Happy simming xoxo

Latest Headlines

Sims Ultimate Collection!! Ready for Spring February update Skin deep Happy December! Christmas Onesies Outback Hideaway Submitted! New dresses coming soon! Back up and running! (windows 8) :)
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