lucykemnitzer (92048)
My Latest Sims 1 Creations ( in total) Show all my Sims 1 Creations
About Me
I have been making walls, floors and roofs, mostly from authentic and nearly authentic textures.
The series of Carmel Mission walls are from photographs of the mission: the real walls are whiter, but I let them go darker because it's foggy and dim there a lot of the time.
I started to do a series of mosque walls, but they grew to include a lot of different mosaic and patterned walls with sources from Spain and Morrocco on the west all the way to India on the east.
The series of Southwestern walls are from a trip I took to the Grand Canyon at the end of 2002. Since most of the variation was in restroom walls, that's what most of the walls are!
I aspire to making objects too, but I'm a wuss, so I haven't mastered TMog. If I ever do, I'll make architectural features for West Coast and Southwest vernacular buildings, and California native and typical plants.
(edit: you can't see my picturetrail stuff because they deleted my account without warning and they won't talk to me about it)
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stacygibbsMay 25, 2003
Lovely work Lucy! Thanks!
ChililiMay 20, 2003
Hi, I really do like your roofs. Please keep up the good work.