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magicmorgie's Guestbook

AleNikSimmerJun 9, 2020

Hello!! Late as usual sorry tt-tt btw I still haven't given any gift to villagers cause I'm still trying to "understand" how to arrange my island xD I have all objects dropped around it and a giant flower field that has no use lol I love Celia and Marshall now..I wasn't pretty sure about him but it keeps flirting with my villager and he's always nice (except the other day that told me to change cause I was wearing the same outfit for a while). AND RICKY IS FINALLY OUT! Tomorrow I'll have an empty spot and 50k nook miles to spend on island tickets for a villager hunt xD about the witch outfit, I think I have the magician gown but I don't know if it's the witch outfit, but I have the hat and the shoes \:D I'm still waiting to find the lolita wig T-T Phil is kinda cute! Instead I keep getting ugly green/yellow camp visitors c_c Eloise seems so sweet! About getting rid of a villager, I found out that once every 1-2 week a random one ask to move out. I know some guides say that you don't have to talk to them, but before Ricky asked (who I ignored for all this time), other 2-3 villagers I am friend with asked to move out, so I think patience is the key :/ I finally was able to move all the buildings and upgrade the house a little more but the rest is still a mess xD How's your progress? And I quite like the new pack, but I'm still waiting for it to go on sale :/ and I'm almost good, I mean I find very difficult to focus on studying and I keep having nightmares, but the rest goes pretty good I guess :| how are you??

AleNikSimmerMay 5, 2020

(I'm hoping I haven't made too many grammar mistakes on the comment, sorry x_x)

AleNikSimmerMay 5, 2020

Hi! Sorry it took me to respond..I actually got a new visitor in the campsite despite all the spots for the villagers being full in my island, but it's the cheese mouse and I hate it xD Genji and Ellie are cute! Mine for now are Flo, Tank, Celia, Cookie, Marshal, Becky, Elvis, Moe (the fluo horse), Fuchsia and Ricky (UNFORTUNATELY, who take the spot of Prince)..I'm not really happy with some of them but their house interiors are cute and I'm conflicted xD like, Elvis, I mostly like everything of him but the voice is the wrost xD and Becky, I wasn't sure I would have liked her but it's really cute in game and she gives kind of witch vibes so I hope she stays on the island \:D I was kinda hoping to get a cat at some point but since I don't have amiibo or nintendo online , it's proven to be an almost impossible task x_x for now I think I've to stick with them anyway since I started terraforming the island according to my planned one and I need to move all of their houses (and I'm broke due to this tt-tt even to remove existing bridges I need to pay 10k Nook please give me a break D: and I haven't even finished to upgrade my house yet TT-TT)...btw thank you for the encouragment about the video tutorials \:D I think I'll start trying them once the quarantine is out and after I pass my last exams at least since these are the ones I've had more difficulties through the years (I really can't wait to be done with university once and for all x_x)..anyway, how are you? \:D

AleNikSimmerApr 23, 2020

Hi! Did the game finally arrived? \:D my house is messy too xD it's so full of stuff and materials that I had to start placing them outside (and the space they take can be compared to other 3-4 houses lol). For now I have 5 villagers (the 2 initial ones plus 3 after I progressed in the game), but yesterday I just placed the campsite so I should have more visitors in the island (but not villagers yet? I'm not sure how it works xD). About pokemon, I kinda lost interest in them some years ago, so I didn't even keep up with news related to them :/ I've just seen some fanart around but I don't think I've ever watched the trailer for the game. \:\(

AleNikSimmerApr 9, 2020

Thank you! It's the first time with animal crossing for me too and I'm actually enjoying it a lot! \:D I'm progressing pretty slowly compared to others (my island is a mess and I'm constantly in debt) but it's very relaxing \:D

AleNikSimmerApr 6, 2020

Hi! Let's say I've been doing almost \:\) sorry if I haven't checked the messages yet, I alway say I'll check them later and then forget or other things comes up \:\( but I'll come back to the chat at some point!

AleNikSimmerNov 11, 2019

Thank you for the comments \:wub\: I'll come back to the chat as soon as possible, just had a lot going on in these days! Hope everything is okay \:D

soloriyaSep 7, 2019

Thank you so much for your comment on my Alberta Decor set! ♥

AleNikSimmerAug 31, 2019

Thank you for the comments ♥♥♥

AleNikSimmerMay 16, 2019

Here we go! (I'll start from the most recent ones, sorry if I end up repeating myself T-T and I have less than an hour of free time but I'll try to be quick) okay, I ready the comments (not yet the very old ones - before silencer) and I think I'll respond randomly because keeping up with all of this is a lot xD anyway, about the order of the episode I have no idea, I reached a point when I consider every episode connected like a single whole story and I keep the order as they air to us (with the only difference that I set SW2 after all of this). Till most of S2 I was almost able to name or remember in detail every single ep if I thought about it, but now it's just " This happened, I don't know when or where, but I'm sure it happened" and then I have to fight to remember the akuma of the situation xD (for example I have a lot of confusion between Qeen Wasp and Malediktator..and with S3 is worst). If I have to be sincere, Silencer kinda made me go away from Miraculous temporarely (but it was more the fandom Lukanette fever fault), Onichan and Bakerix helped a little because the came out in french (and I was only able to truly appreciate them with the english dub the other day), but Miraculer..God, made me remember WHY I love was like Oblivio but while Oblivio focused on the love "square", Miraculer focused on the good and evil teams (heroes and HM with Mayura). It was so full of action, angst, cliffhangers, it was gorgeous. And thanks god I'm haven't read salt for now (I'm sure it's there, I'm just glad it didn't crossed my path). Returning to Silencer/Onichan, I've watched the analysis by Ambrogisti (the italian fan group) and damn, they made me feel 100 times better about those episodes (it was about Onichan and Bakerix, but they also talked about Silencer). They aren't blinded by Lukanette (thanks God) and they use logic and reason to watch the episodes. What they said was basically that Lukanette and Adrigami just can't be. Mari was flattered by Luka confession in silencer, but she doesn't reciprocate his feelings, if they are going to end up together it's because Luka is a replacement, but Mari isn't that kind of person, she still loves Adrien with all of her heart and we can see it in every episode, she's not going to be fooled by a couple of sweet words. Same goes with Adrien, he's completely in love with Ladybug romantically, but he also cares about his friends a lot (since he grew up alone or with just Chloé), that's why he made sure Kagami was safe after the defeat, and in some way he felt responsible for what happened due to Lila. But he also tells Onichan he's "talking with the girl of his dreams" when LB calls him. They also noticed that both Luka and Kagami confess their feelings when akumatized because they lost control on their emotions, they're kinda guided by them (btw, LB and CN trick to defeat Onichan was wonderful). Another thing that they noticed was the symbolism. Mari and Adrien are the Tao, they complete each other (white cardigan with black shirt him, black cardigan white shirt her, not to mention the negative colours), AND Kagami in her civilian clothes wears a white jacket with black shirt (like Adrien) while Luka a dark sweather with white shirt (like Mari), MEANING they are very similar but they CAN'T complement eachother like Adrien and Marinette do (sorry, I was like mindblown while listening xD). And we know how important chinese symbolism is for Thomas \:D Oh, wait, now that I remember I saw some salt yesterday, after Miraculer, someone saying that THEY didn't like the episode and the WHOLE FANDOM (pfff sure) was just waiting for Felix and Chat seriously??? -.-' anyway I've seen Zelda design and I love it \:D maybe I'm going to do it at some point (or something similar). I'm sure I've probably missed some points in the whole messages, sorry :c but you can rewrite them and we can discuss! \:D now I've to go out, I'll read the very old messages when I come back \:\)

AleNikSimmerMay 16, 2019

Hi!!! How are you?? Have you seen Miraculer? To me it was great \:D now I'm going to answer all the messages I left behind (even the ones very old if they are still relevant after the new ep!) \:\)

AleNikSimmerMay 8, 2019

Hi! Sorry sorry sorry if I haven't read the messages yet. I've watched the episode but I'm waiting the English dub because I didn't understand a thing. The only thing I know is that while S1 felt like a presentation of the character, S2 the (partial) reveal of the plot, S3 till know feels like "the calm before the storm" and I'm scared, I don't have the same hype S2, I mean I have hype but it's not the hysterical hype, it's more "oh boy I'm legit scared of what's coming next". Like, it's giving me anxiety: Lila and Gabriel gives me anxiety, Marichat friendship gives me anxiety, Kagami and Luka as love interests give me anxiety, the love that can't be (Backwarder and Oblivio) gives me anxiety. It's a constant no-hysterical anxiety. Like, things seems to be static but the kind of static of being on the edge of a cliff. Idk, S2 felt like a constant discovery, nice comedy and some cute romantic moment. With S3 I'm basically on the edge waiting for everything to crash on the ground. I know Adrienette is endgame, but the f situation now is Mari and Chat are FRIENDS, like is a solid real thing, Adrien and Mari thinks they are friend, LB and CN don't go beside flirting-refusing-flirting. While they see Luka and Kagami more and more like more than friends. And Lila and Gabriel?? Jesus. I can't even imagine how f wrong things can go. It's like watching on rallenty a vase falling on the floor, when cracks are starting to open. Sorry for the outburst out of nowhere x_x tomorrow I'll do my best to read and reply to all the messages. Do you know how in S2 things felt like evolving? In S3 they are changing, and changes aren't always for the best. :c

soloriyaApr 29, 2019

Thank you for your comment \:\) Have a nice day! ♥

AleNikSimmerApr 10, 2019

Okay, I'm reading the description of the snake in the chinese zodiac on and it basically says that's: the most wise (the kwami) and charming (Luka). People born during the Snake year can be a successfull musician, rejects futile conversations. And other things that I don't want to translate xD I've probably just written a bunch of bs, I'm kinda tired xD

AleNikSimmerApr 10, 2019

Okay, I've checked, so he and Juleka share the room, he has the bed on the right wall while Juleka on the left, near her bed there's this desk and on top of it a cabinet, on the right side of the cabinet there are a couple of photos from Reflecta end, one of them with Rose, Juleka and Marinette. So, despite the cabinet is on Juleka's half, the photos are directly in front of Luka's bed's side, basically he's able to look at them if he sits on the bed or he's laying on his right side. So he surely knew who Marinette was. And I hope this is adressed in the future (I'm still kinda hoping he turns out to be a "not so pure" character, expecially in the romantic front, but since even Feri called him pure, and she knows a little more about the show, we can basically have a case of Mary Sue that no one in the fandom wants to aknowledge). Damn I feel I'm becoming more saltier than some salty fans I blocked xD I mean, rationally speaking the reaction of Mari and Adrien in Oblivio was odd, BUT we've been told since forever that they are basically soulmates (maybe not directly but subtly) and this has to mean something, plus they are basically the living rapresentation of the Yin and Yang, the balance. Maybe if you find yourself locked in a destroyed building with another person and no memory, and find you have lot in common only with the other person (being LB and CN and not even their parents knowing) and you find you have photos of eachother in your phone, AND you may be feeling some sixth sense at the same time, maybe that's one of the "logic" conclusion. Tbh it was odd but at the same time felt extremely right xD but "Luka and Kagami are there to make them open their eyes" or similar comes from the authors or from the fandom? Because Luka, while destroying the love square (and hypnotizing the fandom -.-), also gave Adrien a painful realization during the end of SW2, that "There's Luka" was filled with pain and no one can convince me otherwise (Thomas kinda confirmed it when he shared that tumblr post). And Kagami was a lot of push for Marinette in Backwarder, so they are kinda working as catalysts but it's painful as hell, expecially for fans who don't change ship according to the episode (about this I'm also happy I have found out the admin of the main Miraculous italian page, not the Ambrogisti, follows the same thoughts as us: she ships only the love square and couldn't understand why people went crazy for Lukanette when the only thing that Luka did was basically wooing her, and we still don't know nothing about his character. She also has a theory for this: most fans aren't able to wait (and casually these fans are the more salty ones) and like Lukanette because it's something immediate that can happen anytime soon, while love square still needs to mature and appreciate and love all the sides of the other person. Basically: take the first train that stop at the station even if it's going in the opposite direction instead of keep waiting for your right train at the station, that's basically how they are thinking according to her. And tbh it seems plausible for them, since they even complained because we didn't all had the kwami names the istant Fu showed the full box in Sapotis c_c). Yep, the thing that he first basically said "go for Adrien, it's okay" and then he basically confessed made me turn up my nose. I could understand Kagami in Animaestro, in Frozer she basically said subtly to Mari "hurry up or I'll make my move" and Mari didn't hurry up so she made her move. But Luka? He's basically mute when he needs to be clear (ohh misterious bOy that communicates with the eyes) and the other times he's or talking about/with music. Who knows if he really was okay with "go pursue Adrien" at the end of Frozer? Or it was more like "I'll going to have you sooner or later" (okay, this is way creapier written in this way) but seriously I can't understand him or his way of speaking. Misterious boy my a**, I really can barely stand him rn. GOD. I have an illumination when I've read what you pointed out the prepared love confession. HE IS A SNAKE. Like literally, but figuratively too? Like when you say "that person is a snake"? I know the snake kwami isn't like that (at least from what we've seen) but what if he is? Is it too much of a stretch? I remember Thomas said not to assume that just because someone has a miraculous he's automatically good (HM, Mayura, Queen Bee). But then Feri drew him as a sticker so my theory just dies c_c but really, I'm basically here just waiting for him to trip and for his "charming misterious sensitive musician" facade to shatter.

AleNikSimmerApr 9, 2019

Hi!!!! About Zelda, I think my brother's fav outfit is the classic green one (I think it's from that DLC but I'm not sure xD) and I haven't had enough time to look at the details because he's always "moving around" xD I used to spend hours on deviantart years ago, now I barely open it, different priorities and I accepted the fact that I'm no more so good at drawing t-t about Chat Blanc, I really really really hope it has to do with the love for LB or something, like, Luka can't be the only f one that gets akumatized because he ""loves"" Marinette. Even if I know technically he was just defending her but "not as a friend" if you f say a love declaration as an akuma -.-' and I know (damn I can alread feel the salt approaching from the fandom) that if it's for a love rejection the fans are going to go CRAZY in the bad sense. Because Chat is wrong, he should stop acting like this, how he's feeling is not valid, he should be more mature, Luka is better, etc. But damn I need it. Just to confirm his emotions towards LB are f real and strong and deep, not some fluke infatuation for a younger cute "friend of my sister" (sorry, I bottled up the Silencer situation for 2 days among other things and seeing how twitter reacted to silencer is getting into my nerves. The fact that's making me boil the most is that they keep calling Luka "pure boy" even if we know f nothing about him, he could literally be the worst, liking music doesn't mean you're automatically a sensitive pure art. Take Gabriel for example, he's a sweet talker, with the charm of the Agreste, but it took the path of desperation and destroying everything, but for the public into the Miraculous universe he's just a man with his charm). I hope you're right about the similarities at this point and they are just recycling. But if she wants to give it to Adrien but doesn't occur, why making a complete design for him? Also, there's the Snake Noir version too..I can't wait to know more about all of this tbh (considering how harsh the romantic field felt after Silencer). I meant, not as relevant as Chloé but maybe more relevant than Alix for example (random secondary character). I mean, if he has a miraculous he shouldn't be here just to crash the love square :/ yep, Idk if the room was shared with Juleka, I can take a look now after posting this comment!

AleNikSimmerApr 7, 2019

You made me do that! xD every time I think about it Trashrock pops up in my mind xD

AleNikSimmerApr 7, 2019

Sorry for the rant about the buses xD

AleNikSimmerApr 7, 2019

But do you remember how Tikki and Plagg reacted in Oblivio? It was odd seeing them like this. Adrien and Marinette were like "oh, we must be more than friends" and fit perfectly together, falling in love in less than ten minutes, while Tikki and Plagg was a disaster. Tikki felt like the "mother" ready to help while Plagg was like the cocky rebel without a care in the world. Tbh at this point I've read too many fanfic about them cuddle together to realise that in canon we hadn't had that. Not even in sandboy, I know the nicknames and dance together, but seeing how they reacted in Oblivio changes that scene too. It's no more "aww cute pet names", more like "sooo, what's your kind of relationship again?" at least to me. We have very sparse moments where the kwamis interacts with eachother and I've filled the rest too much with headcanons, not even in Dark Owl they seem so close? I mean close because they've known eachother for millenials yes, but close close like a platonic couple? Not to me at least. Idk but I know I want to know more about their story t-t Oh yep, if you put it like this Luka seems to be there just to destroy the love square, and after this ep it makes way more sense for Adrien to think "There's Luka" (it was in SW2 right? and Thomas said it was supposed to air later in the season, and Silencer might be one of the reason, because it makes more sense chronologically). I think Marinette likes the attention Luka gives her, because while Adrien just sees her as a friend (God, now that I remember SW2, even Nathalie has enough of it), Luka is completely focused on her, and oh god, an alternative older boy likes me oh wow oh (this is probably what happened in Marinette mind). Also, now that I think about it, Marinette ask herself/Tikki twice if this was a love declaration, and I think THIS is a huge "alarm" to make notice the age difference. Like, 14 and 16 are just two years but in that age means a lot. When Chat declares I think it feels genuine also because they have same age, same experience and they are still a little naive, like believing in the "love forever" thing, while with Luka is more like "seducing" (I know I know it's a bad term in english, and I'm not impying that, but just that's more cautious? I say some nice poetic words to her and maybe she falls back? While with chat is more direct?). Idk how to say it with words, but ask any 14 and then 16 yo what's love for them and you'll see a huge difference in the answers (I remember myself and how my ideas changed at that age). Now I'm afraid Lukanette is going to be canon for some time before Adrienette *anxiety level raises* (about the buses, they're the only public transport available for my university, and the schedule change is kinda "funny" *sarcasm*, where I live there were two main bus lines, one less crowded with less buses that made the less "needed" way in terms of students (used just by some elders most of the times), it happened that the Mayor changed and he happened to live in the part of the town where this less crowded line started, so he had the brilliant idea to change the start points, the less crowded line became the main one despite the majority of passengers that uses the old main line lived in the other part of the town. Plus the buses agency had financial problems and to "solve" this I'm pretty sure they take accords with the mayor (so basically we have now a line that starts in the less populated part of the city and follow the main street, while the passengers of the other are forced to change bus as soon as the streets cross if they are lucky enough to find a coincidence))

AleNikSimmerApr 7, 2019

Okay, for a moment they didn't let me add comments, Idk what happened D:

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