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mamakin's Guestbook

iZazuMar 3, 2006

Thank you for taking the time to place such a nice comment on my Floors. I really appreciate it. With the new Version6 here at TSR, I only just saw it. Sorry for taking so long to thank you...Happy Simming to You! Linda BTW, I love your name on here..!! It's cute!

sammishFeb 25, 2006

\:\) on the subject of new, free sites from meshers, dgandy has recently set up a website which will be airing fully on march the 1st. shes created some beautiful meshes so far and i know that shes also working on some stuff like stairs with carpet runners! theres some other good creators on the site as well and i know theres a new mesher who recently joined... anyway, i hope you will excuse my shameless plug *laughs* you should drop by, join the forums... \;\) glad you like my cookie! -sam

sammishFeb 20, 2006

hi, i made a comment on the new FA introduction page about tsr's monopoly and you replied. im not a nasty guy, so dont worry i'm not going to start an argument with you \:lol\: ive been a member of tsr for a good few years now, stretching back to the days before cyclonesue was even heard of and tiko was still creating for spiffysims \:lol\: and when i have a critisism of tsr it is founded on principle, not spite. i just thought id sent you a word about the featured artist setup; "The comment about Sims Resource grabbing up all the talent is ridiculous. This is custom content. Should the hours on hours these creators spend of their work mean their work should be free?" a featured artist goes into an agreement with tsr, that all their creations are the SOUL property of TSR and are not uploaded elsewhere. in return they get a mini site of their own and the prestigue of being a tsr featured artist. but all the money made from subscribed downloaders, like you, goes to the makers of tsr, not to the creators. featured artists get non of your money for their time and effort. recently tsr has been making more and more and more people featured artists, because they are finding that a lot of the creators they have here are soon leaving tsr to go to a more friendly, share free site. a lot of the featured artists have actually resigned because their agreement not to share on other websites meant that they lost a lot of their fans and friends from places like mts2 and spiffys. most recent of these people are solanderGCN and Dgandy, who both have their own fantastic sites (dgandy is opening hers on the first of march so look out for it!) so i do have a reason for my post and i hope i've cleared up what it is to you -Sam \:\) (formerly samharr01) ps, it wont let me send you PMs... or look at your forum profile to send you a message there.

sophel21Feb 7, 2006

Thanks for your nice comment on my clothing item! \:rah\: About the modern sim woman .. I must smile, if I read this \:ph34r\: Thanks! regards Sophia

JewelRollsJan 24, 2006

Wow--what a great compliment! I wish I could be a fashion designer! I really do appreciate your comments. They made my day!\:rah\:

GrizzeldaJan 19, 2006

Thanks for all of your nice comments on my teen set! I really appreciate your taking the time. \:\)

JewelRollsNov 19, 2005

Thanks mamakin for the compliment on my red satin nightie! Glad you liked it...and glad you stopped by to tell me. I appreciate the encouragement. \:\)

clcny20Nov 19, 2005

Thanks for taking the time to leave a message on my red heart top and jean skirt outfit for little sim girls. I will definitely continue making once my computer is up and running again.

HenwenNov 12, 2005

Hi mamakin! I am so glad your sims like Henwen's walls. Thank you for the nice comment. Nancy

Uma DesignApr 5, 2005

Hi, and thanks for signing my guest book! I really appreciate it. Medieval and fantasy is interesting, I like them, too. Hope I can come up with something else for you to enjoy!\:ph34r\:

sa72tiggerFeb 26, 2005

\:o thank you very much for your nice comments. i will definately try my best and do some teen dresses. i always do the adult stuff because of the figure of the sim but i will try. thanks again. sheri

simfreak1964Nov 14, 2004

I'm really glad you liked my house, I'm going to try my hand at skinning and create the cast. Charmed is my favorite show so it was only a matter of time before I tried the house, and hope to be able to upload more houses soon...I really like victorians and will most likely try another soon, the "Charmed" house took me about 3 weeks to get how I liked it and the only thing that gets me is stair landings. Again thanks for your praise I hope everyone likes it \:rah\:

stoked4simsNov 3, 2004

Thank-you so much for the compliments. Hey, if you are interested in learning to create clothes, I can help you. Just let me know.

stoked4simsOct 27, 2004

some people have been having trouble getting my stuff to show up in game, how has it been working for you?

Outlaw_161Oct 6, 2004

Thanks for the feedback, I like to know that my stuff is appreciated ^^ I actually have a few other eye colours sitting in pending right now including a silver, but they've been there for awhile so I dunno whats going on O_o?

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