mandyonzante (1069866)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (13 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Child's Swimsuit with Fishes Design
Published Dec 22, 2006
About Me
I Live on a Greek island called Zakinthos and work seasonally so I have plenty of time in the winter to do all the things I enjoy like anything to do with Sims but in Summer not so much.
I am married and am the proud grand mother of three adorable little grand daughters and another grand child expected in March.
Unfortunately, I do not get to see that much of them as they live in the UK.
Used to play Sims1 but am now a converted Sims2 Fan.
I have just recently started to create for Sims2 both here and over at Crystal Clear Sims where I am very proud to be a featured artist.
Updated to say that sadly Crystal Clear Sims is no longer running but some of my work can be found at Sims Fashion Barn.