manuke (1877097)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (37 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Glass balcony
Published Aug 22, 2012
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (1 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Art Deco Mansion
Published Dec 26, 2008
About Me
Hi love Sims 3 & 2.Loved cc on sims2 an wish i new how to make it workshop make it so much easier for sum1 like me that is new to moding!! Using workshop, milkshape, bender, gimp & psp. self taught on all these programs heance the reson it take me so long to make new items. Been designing new garage doors(hated only having 1 door) . Now Thinking about trying other stuff as well like house sets. If you find anything wrong with my objects please message so i can try and fix.
My Latest Updates Show All
New balcony fenceWritten Aug 20, 2012
Just made new Curved glass balcony fence in 2 versions 1 with the same glass as my other glass fence and the 2nd that has fully pattern and colourable glass :) ...More
improvements to my itemsWritten Jun 08, 2012
Hi just posted update to my glass fence and railing. I've rejuiced the poly count and fixed the annoying black line on the handrail (multi error) also replaced the mask as the red green blue i was using weren't true but fixed now so no more colours blending together in pattern recolour. Will be looking at the rest of my objects with a view to improving the meshs and multipilers. Will be... ...More
Posh Elec Gate *NEW*Written Apr 17, 2012
Hi i've just uploaded a new Electric gate that ive made after reading comments about my elec security gate. I was agast that people would use it for the main gate to there house. Hence i put what i was working on to one side to make this giving a sence of style to your enterance. (that overlay tall gate from EA just disant look right) fully recolourable in 3 parts the control... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
IvannptrsApr 04, 2014
Thanks you so very much for those electronic gates! I find it so irritating that The Sims 3 only has one electronic gate to use. I am really grateful for these creations! Keep up the great work
matomibotakiDec 05, 2012
MB-AirTrapSet - thank you very much for your nice comment, really appreciated. Have a nice week and enjoy playing!!!
harry12341234May 10, 2012
Hi dude really like your gates is there by any chance you could make more security stuff such as secdurity barriers,sliding gates,security shutters,security doors many thanks would really appriciate it