methura1 (1632982)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (2 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Fab Inc.
Published Jul 15, 2011
About Me
Sorry, but I won't be returning to this website until after the New Year. I can't download anything, and ALL of the stories I've come to know and love have either ended or seized to update, so there's really no point. Talk to y'all in 2012!
My Guestbook Show All
asmodelOct 10, 2011
Hey I'm just excited that someone is paying attention to my stories :-) I'll try to keep up with the regular updates, depending on other things going on.
None of the custom content in this story is mine. Candi's outfit is from and her hair is from
I hope you're able to share some of the new stories you have floating around in your head.
asmodelOct 09, 2011
Hello. Thanks for your comments on Lakeview Prosperity you left earlier this year. I've just posted a whole bunch of updates, so I hope you enjoy them as well.
I really liked your Amber story, and I'm sorry you lost the sims. It's so annoying when that happens! Automated backups have been a lifesaver for me, otherwise I would have lost some of my stories as well. I hope you start writing another story soon.
Screaming MustardSep 21, 2011
Thank you for your lovely comment! : ) It's nice to know my work is appriciated.