michellegallagher1976 (1239975)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (4 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

1 James Street
Published Dec 27, 2006
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About Me
Hi all! Not much to say about me really, I've been playing Sims and more recently Sims 2 for what feels like ever, but is probably in reality about 5 years or so. I played at first just for fun but found myself becoming drawn towards the house building side of the game, and that's what I now do most of the time. I build a house, I move a family in, I play the family for a few Sim days, I get bored, I build another house...and so it continues! I'm just branching out into actually submitting a few of my lots which is proving enormously fun, there's nothing more exciting than realising that people have downloaded one of my lots and might just be using it in their game! Thanks for stopping by, and have a lovely day :0)
My Guestbook Show All
SIMcredible!Jun 07, 2012
Hello We are glad you enjoy our creations Wish you are having a beautiful day! Happy simming
PinkettApr 03, 2010
your very welcome i'm glad you like my walls
charrayFeb 07, 2010
Nice work on your lots Thanks so much for sharing them