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miller1220's Guestbook

srgmls23Dec 23, 2011

Open your heart ... Dream ... Wish ... Love ... Smile ... Be happy to be back child ... I wish you a Christmas full of peace, love and happiness. And you realize your dreams ... But mainly to continue to dream ...... always! Merry Christmas! and Happy 2012..\;\)Sérgio..

WarrayfinsonJul 11, 2011

Hey! \:D Sorry it took me so long to respond to you. If you read my blog you'll see about the current status of Forgotten Redemption \:\(

hiedibear75Jun 10, 2010

I don't play TS3......sorry kiddo. \;\)  I can only help ya with TS2. \:cool\:  Hopefully you can find some help in the forums? \:confused\:    Take care. \:wub\:  Have a great summer. \:rah\:

srgmls23May 23, 2010

Olá miller\:D I apologize for my late reply ... I was very sick, \:\( now I feel better and eager to start playing ...\:P thank you for sign my GB, and the lovely comments about my houses, means a lot to me... bye and hugs ...\:\) Sergio

hiedibear75May 20, 2010

I'm sure there is but I have no idea what that would be. \:confused\:  Sorry I couldn't be of more help to ya. \;\)  Take care. \:wub\:

hiedibear75Mar 27, 2010

I bet from now on you're going to be more likely to do your conditioning before starting heavy exercises. :P  You've got "youth on your side" which means you heal better than most adults do. \:D  Well at least staying home so much the plus side is I get lots & lots of time to make walls & lots. \;\)  So are you still playing TS2 or have you moved on to TS3? \:confused\:  Well don't fry your brain with all those big words.....unless you went to med school it's doubtful you'd ever need them. \;\)   Take care. \:wub\:

hiedibear75Mar 25, 2010

When I was 14 I had a sign fall on me & it hit my head but cause a lot of neck & back injuries.  So I'd actually love it all I had was tendonitis. LOL  Wow you're pretty young to have that already. \:confused\:  I started getting osteoarthritis & problems with my discs within a couple years of my accident & my nerve & pain problems have just gotten worse over the years. \:\(    I used to go all over the country before my accident.  Since then not so's a lot harder to go places for more than a weekend just because of equipment that I need in order to take a bath & such. \;\)   Plus not to mention that I have a special/expensive bed that is to help my back so other/regular beds are often very uncomfortable for me.   Well your PT will depend partly on where you go.  I did most of my hard-core PT with Children's Hospital because I was only 14yrs + with the head injury I was much better off being there than at an adult hospital.   Children's hospital found ways to make PT as fun as possible.....the adult/regular PT sessions I've had it was just doing exercise routine that works specific muscles.  It'll just depend.  But what ever that/those exercise/s is/are  & you'll more than likely have to do them at home & it is important that you do them as directed EVEN IF IT HURTS .......cuz you'll hurt yourself more in the long run if you don't.  But when you have a dislocated neck & a brocken back you don't get wks of therapy you get more like 18mo. of intensive therapy.  It's a bunch of medical mumbo jumbo but I have "a gross bilateral neurological deficit due to a posterior spinal cord abrasion @ L2"......basically bunch of fancy long words for partially paralysed from the waist down. \:rolleyes:   So did you get a really bad sprain that cause the tendonitis? \:confused\:  Well I'm off to bed. \:cool\:  L8R. \:wub\:

miller1220Mar 25, 2010

This is a VERY important message directly from miller1220 directly to miller1220!!!!! SARAH...Physical therapy on monday at 3! (you'll get to mis 9th period algebra! hooray!) Track practice from 3:30 to 5, Monday through Wednesday! (you'll be at physical therapy on Monday, though) Orthodontist retainer check coming up soon! Orthopedist check-up on April 14! (same day as the second track meet) Doctor's appointment to get shots coming up soon! Danny's baseball scrimmage tomorrow after school! (you get to help in the concession stand and eat candy! hooray!)EASTER VACATION NEXT WEEKEND! WOOHOO! \:rah\: Okay message over! Bye me! (I'm so good at reminding myself of these things, aren't I?)

drewsolteszFeb 21, 2010

Thanks so much for commenting on "The Cattle Drive" I have a new story out, 'Oceans of Time II' a sequel to the time travel story I did in September 2009. Hope you can check it out! Cheers~

maxi kingDec 17, 2009

\:wub\:Hi Sarah!Merry Christmas to you!\:wub\:

xtinabobinaSep 10, 2009

Of Love & Lust Episode 5 is ready! Come on by and check it out! Dont forget to leave some love! thanks!!! xtina.

hiedibear75Sep 2, 2009

Hey I just today saw that you had left a comment on my birthday blog. \:o  Thanks for the birthday wishes. \:wub\:  Yeah my son will be 12 in November. \:cool\:  The reason there are 12 is that was how many come in a pack & they're kinda big candles anyway + they were trick candles so when I blew them out they lit back up again.......we ended up putting them out with a dixie cup with some water in it. :P  Happy SIM-ing. \:cool\:

WarrayfinsonAug 27, 2009

HI!!!!! *Runs in and hugs* How you going?! I haven't from you in ages! \:D There isn't really anything nex with me apart from a few friendship problems which are 'resolved' (not really) and I have a stack load of assignent to do. It was birthdya?! I knwo it's alte but HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! \:D Here some cookies I just made *Hands over cookies* Well, hope you have a great day! \:D \:\) \:wub\: \;\)

hiedibear75Aug 23, 2009

Well have fun marching in the parade kiddo. \:rah\:  My son will be 12 in November & is also starting middle school; 1st day of 6th grade is August 24th for him. \:cool\:  So you guys are only about 3 mo. apart. \:\)  I made a blog & you can see my birthday friend Karen made a plumbbob on it for me. \:wub\:  So are you marching with your old school one last time or jumping right in to the marching band at your new middle school? \:confused\:  My son doesn't like playing instruments.......his oldest sister does though; she can play several instruments at a medium to advanced level & helps teaches other students who are begginers.  Susan plays; trombone, clarenet, flute, french horn, violin & cello.  \:D  She is VERY quick to pick things up. \;\)  Well I guess I'm off to do some more buildig. \:cool\:  Take care. \:wub\:

ILikeMusic640Aug 21, 2009

Thank you so much for your nice guestbook entry!  You're in marching band?  Trumpet is awesome, so similar to the mellophone.  What's your show this year?  I love hearing what everyone's show is!  Our show is the Divine Comedy (about a guy's journey through Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven).  It's awesome.   About the hair, I honesly don't know.  I'll remember to look it up next time I load my game.  So I'll get back to you on that!  Have a greta day!  Claire

spitzmagicAug 21, 2009

\:rah\: Happy Birthday to you. Hope you have a really good one! \:rah\:

shortiesliketickAug 20, 2009

Heyy happy birthday!!!\:wub\:  I hope you have a great birthday day and keep up the good work!!!\:wub\:                                     Shortiesliketick (lexi)                             YaKnOwImThEbOmBlIkEtIcKtIcK

maxi kingAug 20, 2009

\:wub\:Hey, Happy Birthday to you! I hope you having a wonderful day and a great next year!\:wub\:

maxi kingAug 12, 2009

\:wub\:Hi!How have you been? I hope everything is ok?!Have a nice day!\:wub\:

WarrayfinsonJul 4, 2009

The next chapter of Forgotten Redemption is out if you wish to see it! How have you been lately? \:D

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