mixedanthony (3212180)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (4 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Hamptons Style Mansion...
Published Jul 1, 2010
About Me
Hey everyone my name is Tony, well thats my nickname. I have a ton of nicknames lol, my real name is Anthony. I'm Black - Native on my moms side and White on my dads. I wouldnt see myself as just one thing ever. People should love themselves for who they are, nothing more.
My imagination is full of ideas. For as long as I can remember, writing has been an escape route of mine from the world we live in. Its such a fun thing to do, and the Sims allows me to show off my creative side and escape in another way!
I enjoy doing a multitude of things, including but not limited to Drawing, Playing Video Games, Writing, Taking Pictures, Listening To Music and other things, of course one being the sims!
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Deleted Homes.Written Jun 20, 2010
Sorry, but I had to delete my houses because of some stupid doll that attached itself to my uploads. I dont know how because I definitley didnt download that stupid doll to begin with. Its upsetting, but I can always upload them later on in the future. Happy Simming! ...More
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Queenie1988Jun 21, 2010
Hey there Thank you for commenting on my screenshot "Quietude".