naememac (497407)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (236 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Steve Underwood Jazz Set
Published Mar 14, 2006
About Me
I own my own business and couldn't be happier. (You won't catch me working for someone else again)! Life is pretty good, if only my brother would get a job and get out of my house!
My Latest Updates Show All
Hmmmmm, what is a Blog other than a "Public Journal Entry"Written Feb 23, 2009
I haven't been on the site very much recently, due to life having a habit of getting in the way. I've changed my major in college and I'm now heading out of the world of business management and into a completely different field. It's not a career with which I am unfamiliar, but it is unusual. I'm going to take my National Boards for becoming an Undertaker and Restorative Artist. I know, I... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
BuffSummNov 12, 2011
Hi Thank you very much for your comment on my Skew-Whiff-Set Pt 3 I wish you a nice weekend
Nea-005Oct 09, 2011
Hi Thank you so much for your nice comment
ung999Sep 24, 2011
Thanks for taking time to leave your nice comment on my painting 'Peony'. Enjoy your weekend! ~Ung