nancypurple_0 (1038707)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (3 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Aussie Queenslander
Published Apr 24, 2007
About Me
I am an oldie, but enjoy playing the Sims. I particularly enjoy building houses and creating sims and families. My neighbourhood is getting well populated - but I have had no deaths yet!!
My Guestbook Show All
jsfFeb 15, 2008
Hi again, I'm glad you like the ParkLane Panels in all those colors. There will be more coming of those solids. Thanks for your comments and you're very welcome judi
MoonlitMaidenFeb 03, 2008
Hi, glad you like my Silky Short Nighties for our elder ladies. Visit my minisite for LOTS more elder-enabled clothing, and take the poll while you're there! Gina
LianaaDec 14, 2007
*** May you bloom with Joy and Happiness! ***