nicoledeboer (4300780)
About Me
Heey! I'm Ariana Carly Lo�s Deek! (Say: Erienaa Karlie Louis Diek)
I'm 14 years old, almost 15!
Big fan from: Ariana Grande (haha Ariana ) and One Direction!
Favorite color: Oceanblue
Favorite food: Noodles
Favorite song: More than this ~ One Direction
Favorite female celeb: Ariana Grande ( ad�HH)
Favorite male celeb: Zayn Malik
Favorite pets: My kittycats :p whaha
Sports: Dancing, hockey and horseriding.
Favorite thing to do: Draw manga, skydiving and playing the sims3
Favorite drink xD: Pineapple drink
Favorite artist from the sims recource: evi and chemy Amazing artits
In the future i'm a: Actress and a singer just like Ariana Grande
My Guestbook Show All
chemyAug 06, 2013
Hi Ariana! Thanks for commenting on my pictures!!!
eviDec 18, 2012
Ariana I would like to thank you for all your support this year and wish you bright and cheerful Christmas and a happy and prosperus 2013. see you around
chemySep 14, 2012
Hi Ariana! Thanks so much for your amazing comment on Modern Splendor!!!! I really appreciate your great feedback thanks hun! Have a super weekend!!! hugs