oldmember_BuddingRoze (880736)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations ( in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Baby Girl
Published Apr 24, 2005
About Me
Well, lets start out here. I guess i am one of the youngest creators. I'm not exactly a 'fanatic' as i am not constant 24 hour simmer. If i'm bored there's only one place to be. Right here sitting in a swinging chair typing (or clicking) away. If you've noticed or even downloaded some of my things thanks. I am a first timer at this but i think i'm pretty good. But you make the decsions. I'm one in a million (i think!)! My famous line 'Enjoy!'
My Guestbook Show All
*Secret-Vampire*Mar 12, 2005
Go to the uni town (on of the res places) and buy a cell or mp3 or gameboy from their its is big thingy-ma-giggy. you'll find it I did!
velvet9409Jan 03, 2005
Poor guy I hate it when sims die, especially the great sims like Mortimer. The Goths are my ultimate favourite family. Can you tell?
velvet9409Jan 02, 2005
Hey BuddingRoze! You left a comment in my guestbook asking how I got Mortimer Goth to live for so long ^^ I didn't use the aging off cheat at all (it screws up everybody else in the family) but the poor guy is hooked up to a drip of the elixir of life about twenty-four hours a day. I got him to platinum mode and just had him drink about thirty times, so he should live for a while yet. Sorry to hear he died with Dina - so sad