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Created for: The Sims 2
This is a Set with 15 Creations - Click here to show all
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Your sims cant afford expensive housing? Cramped into a tiny appartment or a shack? Get the spacesavers! These cheap but durable shelves designed to fit inside the dresser top, allowing you to place objects on top of the dresser. Decorate the room without taking extra space!
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/337738
ItemID: 337738
Revision: 4
Includes community and residential collection files. Extract those to your Collections folder.
- TSRAA: Yes - What's this?

This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.
Installation Instructions:
All shelves are found under Surfaces-Misc in the game catalog. Note that some shelves require expansion packs. If the shelf is flashing blue when placed, you don't have the necessary expansion pack. Each shelf is named after the dresser for which it was designed. In most cases the color of the shelf is a default color of that dresser. They are set that way so you can easily tell them apart in the game catalog.
IMPORTANT! In some cases, it is necessary to place a shelf on the ground first, then place an object on the shelf, then pick up the shelf and move it inside the dresser or pick up the dresser and move it to the same tile as the shelf. No cheat codes required.
ALWAYS put a tabletop shelf on the ground first, then place an object on the shelf, and then move the table to the same spot or pick up the shelf with the object and move it inside the table. This is to make sure that decorative object is sitting on the shelf and not on the table. If sims refuse to put a plate on the table or some other glitches occur, remove the shelf. To move the table shelf to the center of 2-tile table, use "boolProp snapObjectsToGrid true" cheat code. To turn off the code, type "boolProp snapObjectsToGrid false".
There is a pair of glass shelves for OFB decra chill fridge. Place them both on the same tile, then place objects on them (food will not work), then place the decra chill fridge to the same tile.
"Hold Me Closer" Dresser from OFB already has a built-in shelf, but not many decorative objects can be placed on top of it. You can use a custom shelf instead that is included in this set.