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oldmember_constancia's Guestbook

dark_jeanAug 31, 2007

I just love your work! Thanks for sharing them!

pinkhoodyMar 19, 2006

Like your creations \:\)

rooniAug 23, 2005

Your wall mural is gorgeous!! My daughter and I are are always downloading your stuff\:D roonimama

TeXaSrOsEFeb 28, 2005

\:D I luv your stuff specially the child girl wear... one of your girls has black long full kinda messy it has strings of hair coming down in the face and the hair is black..... if you would please submit that for me and if you could make it in a reddish auburn color for me.... see i still can't do those things and this is the first time i've even signed a guestbook ..... by the way did i tell you my sims LOVE your cloths thanks in advance....lynz4tex58

WickedMayesJuggaletteFeb 13, 2005

lol no it was you I was cleaning out my guestbook and deleting a whole bunch of stuff and it was a long time ago that you called me patrice but you did. ^.^

WickedMayesJuggaletteFeb 12, 2005

hey lol I just noticed you called me patrice. Actually my name is patricia... \;\)

crazysoul80Feb 9, 2005

Hi, I love your creations and I noticed that you said you have a website. I was wondering what it was by any chance because I'd love to see more of your work\:\) Keep up the good work.

WickedMayesJuggaletteFeb 8, 2005

Hey you know how you change your background in CAS? I dont know how and i was given a link to the forum that told me how. It says that im supposed to go to a folder named "lot catalouge" and i did, and it says theres supposed to be other files in there but there arent any... any clue why?

WickedMayesJuggaletteFeb 4, 2005

Wow i need to stop signing your guestbook so much. Yea beleive it or not, i was aleready at your site when you signed my guestbook with the news. I LOVE them! lol they are so wonderful! you are truly talented with making skins. \:rah\: \:wub\: Thank you so much for the gogo outfits! P.S. do you have problems downloading from this site? all the time when i download, the download stops mid way and says its done...but that only happens with this site... hmm...\;\)

WickedMayesJuggaletteJan 30, 2005

Actually nevermind about the hair. It aleready exists in strangetown. BUt if you still want to make the outfit that would be okay \;\)

WickedMayesJuggaletteJan 29, 2005

I know i just asked you to make something, but i have another big favor to ask you. I know how much you like pink, so can you make pink short hair? Im trying to make a skin for missy from big money hustlas. Heres a page that shows what she looks like:http://www.bigmoneyhustlas.com/ shes at the very bottom of the page. If you could make her outfit too, that would be awsome and id be eternally grateful!\:wub\:

WickedMayesJuggaletteJan 29, 2005

Actually im not allowed to download any software so i cant download anything mod. \:\( So are you saying everything in your blue kitchen set isnt a mod? (including the microwave and everything?) it just would be easier if you posted under the object if it is a mod or not. thanks! -wickedmayesjuggalette

WickedMayesJuggaletteJan 28, 2005

Actually if you could make either of them it would be great. Im totally into the 60's and 70's! and anything like that on this site you have to pay for \:\( how do i sign your guestbook at the site? ill take a look but im not sure i know how.

WickedMayesJuggaletteJan 28, 2005

(Forgot to say this last time) bookmarked your site! I have a favor to ask! can you make a skin (and post it on YOUR site,not this one) that looks like the outfit on this page? http://www.mydivascloset.com/gogicoandgr7.html id REALLY appriciate it! Thanks! Patricia

WickedMayesJuggaletteJan 27, 2005

Everything on your site looks great! But i have to know, are any of the files mod? because i cant have mod on my computer. \:\)

sappie25Jan 27, 2005

Ha Conny, \:\) Ik heb net je berichtje gelezen ik ga gelijk even kijken op je site!!!! Ik ben inderdaad nog even bezig geweest met het creeren van meubels, en mijn eerste creatie (een bed!) is gelukt!Ook ben ik bezig met het maken van een website, tenminste ik probeer het \:P Ik ben een paar dagen op vakantie geweest en heb een hoop inspiratie opgedaan. Ik kan dus flink aan de slag.

WickedMayesJuggaletteJan 27, 2005

Umm..it looks like a nice site, any way i can get it in english???\:wacko\:

WickedMayesJuggaletteJan 27, 2005

Hey guess what? all the files work now that i downloaded a patch from www.sims2.com or something like that. anyways i LOVE the pink lily set and its all in such small files! \:rah\: Thanks for the great work! -Patricia

WickedMayesJuggaletteJan 23, 2005

My email is wickedmayesjuggalette@hotmail.com I know i dont have to unzip things that i make in homecrafter and bodyshop. I do know SOME things.... i really just think theres something wrong with my game. Ill call ea support line tomorrow because theyre only open on weekdays. Patricia

WickedMayesJuggaletteJan 23, 2005

Yea i downloaded homecrafter plus only to find out that ALL my walls and floors and ground stuff works in homecrafter plus but NOT the game. Same with bodyshop. Everything works in there but not the game. I unzip everything to the downloads folder in The sims 2 folder but nothing shows up. And the ea support site only has automated awnseres so i have to use MY phone card minutes (its not a 800 number) to try and figure out whats wrong. Isnt that stupid? I spent 3 weeks downloading stuff (thats about 1,800 files) and NOTHING works. It doesent show up in the game at all! \:\( I hope its just something wrong with the game and not my computer. (this is my update cuz you asked how it would work out for me) -wickedmayesjuggalette\:\(

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