oldmember_cyberprofessor (406782)
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About Me
"Why write about science fiction and fantasy? Well, please pardon the use of terms, but know that as an independent writer, it has never been easy for me to write about science fiction or most other mediums. Constantly, there are outer frustrations, social myths and conservative philosophies that are always in the way. Indeed, it often would be easier for me to write Gospel stories instead of science fiction tales. However, know that my previous experiences with this futuristic platform let me see that good science fiction is MORE than just the space adventures of one culture. (As many people seem to have a tendency to believe.) In truth, it is my contemporary understanding that science fiction is the futuristic vision of us ALL; interlaced with valid warnings and potential victories. From this end, science fiction then becomes a definite influence to pay attention to. In accordance, I personally chose to write about science fiction NOT because of its varied hype and flash. More, I chose to write about science fiction because of its ability to engulf all media into a clever and insightful lesson about what it REALLY means to be human; going beyond cultural differences and individualized beliefs. Hence, as science fiction and the mentality around it CONTINUES to grow and evolve, one must then wonder if its time for us ALL to move forward and look at life from a neutral and non-judgmental point of view from now on?..." --CyberProfessor.