oldmember_darksaber76 (264180)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (2 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations
Blue Diamond Linoleum
Published Jan 24, 2005
About Me
I have been playing The Sims since the first game came out.
Update: Dec 2009 - My previous PC crapped out and I've been using a laptop for the past 3 years. Unfortunately it's not the top of the line, and it's a Vista machine so I have been forced to not be able to play my Sims 2 game...and miss it! I have only the University and Nightlife expansions, but didn't really get to play them yet due to my XP machine dying. Working on hopefully being able to get another PC or better laptop. PC preferable. I've been getting by in the meantime with the Sim Stories series. No custom content though sadly. I have just decided to put my Sims 2 game on my laptop and see how it does. So far so good. I am curious if I can put at least the university expansion on...my CPU just isn't fast enough..so betting it won't work. Would love to get the Sims 3 but know my laptop can't handle it.