oldmember_socialrejectx (436591)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (9 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Beyonce Knowles
Published Mar 25, 2006
About Me
Socialrejectx - 27 - Female - North Carolina USA. Likes: Harry Potter Book series, Sleeping Beauty Trilogy by Anne Rice, Vacations, The Sims (DUH), Sleeping, Watching TV, and Movies. Fav Shows: Alias, Charmed, Hells Kitchen, Trading Spouses, and Xtreme Makeover Home edition. DVDz: Xena(All Seasons), Charmed(Season One), Alias(Seasons 1-3), and Sex and the City(All Seasons). Fav Games: Tomb Raider Games(1-6), Final Fantasy Games(X,X2), Resident Evil Games(1,2,3,& 5), and The Sims Games(PS2 and PC).
What I like to do with my Sims: make a haunted house, set them on fire, and have them hate each other HEHE!!