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paramiti's Guestbook

flody888Jul 24, 2010

And your cat series is just so cute! Thanks again!

flody888Jul 24, 2010

Also thank you for sharing the Ivor Rose and Gia Revazi series! I love that style! And I've never heard of those artists before! Thank you!

flody888Jul 24, 2010

Thank you for the Karin Taylor series (so fun and summery!), and the Scott Westmoreland series (also fun and light and summery)!

katalinaJul 23, 2010

Hey girl, how are you?  I just wanted to tell you that you make some interesting and fun pictures. I am so glad you are back. Take care sweety\:wub\:

herbrothmanJul 22, 2010

Thanks for the help on uploading my picture. Now you can see who you are writing to. I loved the paintings that you did. I have an Iver Rose "flower seller" but she is younger than the one you did. I also have a quarry scene, Alice in Wonderland, a little black girl in a communion dress, an ice cream vendor, and an organ grinder. They were left to my wife by her mother (our only inheritance). Iver was my wifes uncle-in-law. He married my father-in-law's sister. When Iver's wife died she had an entire stack of his paintings under her bed. My mother-in-law sold them off when she needed money. I've seen some of them from time to time on various art auction sites. In fact, there is one of Iver's mother-inlaw (my father-in-laws mother) on ebay right now. For years it hung above the couch in my in-laws living room. When my father-in-law died it was the first painting my MIL sold (she hated her MIL). I love Coronado Island. We have been there several times. It reminds me a lot of the New England seaside towns (but with earthquakes and warmer climate). I was wrong about the school my cousins kid goes to. It is San Diego State and not UCSD. I have a good friend who lives in SD who will be coming to NY in mid-august. If you would like me to get you something from the Big Apple as a thank you, just say the word and I'll have him deliver it. Thanks Again.

herbrothmanJul 20, 2010

I love the flower vendor and the organ grinder. Where on line did you find them? I can't wait to see the ones you worked on. Thanks. BTW, if you love clowns and are ever in NYC, I have one of the largest clown collections in my office. My clients call it the clown museam. Private tours are available as a TSR bonus, (No subscription needed)\:ph34r\:

daphney1230Jul 20, 2010

can you please read my story and see if i got what it takes....

herbrothmanJul 18, 2010

Thanks. I can't wait to see them. Which ones are they?

DriedBloodJul 13, 2010

Thanks for your advice.. I went to DOTs page and i understand why she knows everything about lamps.. So much lamps.. wow.. But the last weeks its too hot in germany so i think my brain would melt if i try to mesh something..\:D          Maybe i try it if it isnt that hot in my room (31 degrees celsius \:wacko\: )

DriedBloodJul 13, 2010

Hi, thanks for signing my guestbook again..\:D How are you?     Since yesterday i try to find out how to create lamps cause i don't know how i can set the part which should glow in the end.. But i don't understand it at all..\:confused\: Carnival stuff and nursery paintings? Cool.. Can't wait to see them.. \:D

AshleyBlackJul 11, 2010

Hello! Thank you for your kind message in my guestbook! Have a nice weekend! \:\)

flody888Jul 2, 2010

Hello! Also, you have a great eclectic collection! Lots of beautiful masters paintings, lots of pop art, strange things, humourous art, just a wonderful selection and taste! Thank you so much for creating and sharing!!! \:\) Have a wonderful sunny, happy weekend! \:\)

mensureJul 2, 2010

\:wub\: I would like to say big thanks for your all great comments. I am very happy to read. Thank you very much.\:wub\: \:wub\:

DriedBloodJun 30, 2010

Hm, dunno why but the frist three lines of my first comment are appearing without my notice.. What happened?\:confused\:

DriedBloodJun 30, 2010

<!-- /* Style Definitions */ p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal {mso-style-parent:""; margin:0cm; margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:12.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";} @page Section1 {size:595.3pt 841.9pt; margin:70.85pt 70.85pt 2.0cm 70.85pt; mso-header-margin:35.4pt; mso-footer-margin:35.4pt; mso-paper-source:0;} div.Section1 {page:Section1;} --> Yap, i’m fine. I’m still faszinated by the fact that i’m able to do sims3-stuff. I’m only at the beginning, but some weeks ago i thought i would never ever do this.. I thought i’m too stupid.. \:o   Although i only have to repeat every step listing in some tutorials a thousend times till i found the mistake.. I wish you good luck for you plans and can’t wait till i can see you creations.. Have a nice day.. \:D

tdyanndJun 30, 2010

Hey, you! I'm so glad you like your stuffs! \:D

marcorseJun 29, 2010

Hi and thanks for taking the trouble to investigate my comment on Hals paintings. I totally agree with your remarks re the Rubens ones . . . I really enjoy the family context and his treatment of his sitters - it appears to me he loves them al! As for the Laughing Cavalier - yep! that sounds like hihm. A big man with a big moustache with a grin behind it - and dressed in very rich silks and ruffles. I have a 3ft. print of this painting and the detail is fabulous - almost photographic - and have read a review that said even in those small details, the brushwork is long and confident, so Hals really knew his craft. I have downloaded my pick of your Rubens works, about a half dozen I suspect - and note that you now have some Holbein the Younger ones on offer. I can't get excited about these - is it just me or do they all look enough alike to be family - even when they aren't???? LOL. I look forward to seeing more of your 'classics'. Great work!

HarmoniaJun 28, 2010

hi, welcome to my GB \:\) glad you like my avatar \:\) Hugsss..

lilliebouJun 26, 2010

Wow =D I'd like to visit the missions in California ^^ But I can't, so I visit the wonderful ones you make =P

tdyanndJun 21, 2010

Howdy! \:\) ...I was wondering where you had been!? I'm doing well, actually...I've had some real life dramas, so I haven't spent as much time playing TS3 as I would liked.  All of the patterns that say 'Fixed' are the only one's that needed 'fixing'. \:\) As far as I know, all the patterns/meshes/paintings work and have no errors.

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