pern5062 (3515417)
About Me
Hi! My name is Pernille and i'm 19 years. I live in Denmark with my parents. Right now I studying and i will continue the next 2 years. After that i'm not sure what to do.
I have epilepsy and celiac disease.
If you want så know anything about, then ask
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mutskeNov 06, 2012
Hi Pernille, Is you game fully patched? Maybe that is the problem. It is cloned from the pack Generations. Do you have that pack? Happy Simming
AngelaMar 19, 2012
Hi there,
I am not sure why only half of the stuff is showing for you.. Are you fully patched up? I know that items made before pets which are rigfixed do need at least the 1.26 patch for pets to work. (or show up even)
matomibotakiMar 06, 2012
Welcome on TSR Have a wonderful time with us here!!! Thank you for your nice comment on my MB-BigCanvasHorses - glade you like the picture set!!! Have a nice time