pixiechild (2079033)
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SIMcredible!Jan 06, 2017
Hello! I don't know what browser you use but I tried on firefox and google chrome and had no troubles to download the Cayenne fridge. Please try here, without the frame :
Hope you have better luck this time. Happy simming
marcorseAug 31, 2016
Re Field of Green. Yes the pattern is definitely recolourable. It was created in the TSR Workshop and has 3 recolourable channels. Open it in the CAS window in your game and you will see you can change 3 of the colours in the pattern. You should be aware, that even though this is possible, the results may not be 100% pleasing, due to the original colours used. . . and sometimes, the result is better! depending on your point of view. If you are in doubt on any of my patterns, simply check in the Description tab. The last line includes this information. . .. Recolorable Palettes: 3 . . . .and the number changes to refer to the colours you may change. Hope this helps. Marg.
mutskeAug 16, 2016
Hi I just tried to download the Leon single bed too and it gave me the same error, but when you download the whole set you will have it! Happy Simming!