poohbear7882 (825903)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (318 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Closet Recolors - Goth Set
Published Nov 24, 2007
About Me
I'm 26 and a complete Sims 2 junkie! I love to create things (recolors only for now...meshes someday) for the Sims 2!
In what little time that I don't spend working, sleeping or creating recolors for the game, I'm a writer. I write everything from poetry to novels. I'm working on a fantasy novel now, part one of a trilogy. I'm probably about halfway done with part one. Once it's finished, I'm going to try and get it published, then start the second novel.
**Update: 11 Sept 11**
I retired some time ago from creating. I've not figured out the Sims 3 creating yet (mostly because I've never tried) so I'm just a downloader now.
My Latest Updates Show All
The Texture ChallengeWritten Jul 16, 2007
Wow, what can I say about The Texture Challenge? Well, I think I can safely say that many of us would never have had the courage to recolor objects without the continual support of the participants in the TC thread. I would still be recoloring walls and floors. I was terrified when I downloaded SimPE and started it up, but the kind words in the TC gave me the courage I needed to press... ...More
Tribute To AtwaWritten Jul 16, 2007
On April 17, 2006 a “Challenge” was issued: “A game started by the wonderful and talented Laprin of Sims1, in the Skinning Forum here at TSR. I am attaching a texture and hope that willing recolor artist will create an object using that texture.” ~ DOT Would anyone respond? One, two, three, four….Less than eight hours later the challenge was on! At 6:54 a talented young artist by the name... ...More
Trojan.Zlob and Smitfraud VirusWritten Jun 29, 2007
Oh, man! It's been a long couple of days! I've been working to remove a backdoor Trojan called Zlob which, apparently, is associated with the Smitfraud Virus that my poor computer contracted. Poor Herbert! Yes, my computer's name is Herbert...he runs better if you talk nice to him, so I named him. It just made sense. Anyways, back on topic...I believe I have eradicated the... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
allison731Jul 20, 2011
I'm glad that you like Yin-Yang pattern I hope you will enjoy I wish you great Wednesday
AngelaJun 10, 2010
Hi there! Thank you so much for your comment on my
creations. I hope you'll have a great day!
xiguatouApr 16, 2009
I like your picture in the rabbit only ~!!!!