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portiapudding's Guestbook

oweemytoeAug 5, 2018

Still after all these years, you still have great Sims2 creations!\:\)\:rah\:

hellK8Apr 23, 2013

your recolorors are great. It's something I've been waiting for \:\)

zodapopSep 16, 2012

Hi, thank you so much for your guestbook entry. The skin is by Ephemera. Have a great day! \:D

hiedibear75Sep 2, 2012

Glad to see all the AWESOME recolors you've been making! \:wub\: \:rah\:

sapphireduckAug 26, 2012

I LOVE all the recolors! Wonderfully done. \:\)

allison731Aug 17, 2012

Your recolors are great. Because of them we have many more options for decorating in game. \:rah\: And thank you very much for link of Murano's floors. \:\) \:wub\:

bahnsidheJul 28, 2012

Your recolors are some of the best I've seen. Lovely work.

PralinesimsJul 22, 2012

Thank you very much for commenting!! Have a very beautiful sunday! ((((HUGS)))

clatoo13Jun 20, 2012


lilahastingsJan 12, 2012

Hello ! \:D Thanks for stopping by my guestbook and leaving a message ! \:wub\: I'm very happy now that I know that you'll share more great recolors ! \:wub\: Can't wait !!!!! \;\)

FlouboatsJan 11, 2012

haha no problem thanks for creating it!

hiedibear75Jan 5, 2012

Wow you mastered carpet patterns? \:o  WAAAAY KEW-EL!!! \:rah\:  Thank you! \:wub\:

greenstitchDec 31, 2011

\:D Thank you!

greenstitchDec 31, 2011

Hello again \:D I don't know the difference between plain and patterned right know, so I'll try to explain what I'd like: I like mosaic tiles in bathrooms for the floor and a matching wall which isn't tiled clompletely...And for kitchens are big tiles for the floor perfect with walls that match to the floor too...Sorry for my English, it's not easy for me to explain something in English \:\) I hope, you've understand what I mean...if not, that's not bad, I'm sure, you make great stuff and  i will likme everything \:wub\:

hiedibear75Dec 31, 2011

Thank you.  I'm glad you liked my Nursery walls & my Christmas walls.  Sadly I think my Christmas walls will get more hits NEXT YEAR than it did this year......they just got uploaded too late cuz of that "red notation" in the upload area.  Oh well.....at least SOMEONE liked them.   I find making walls "fun" so hopefully you'll like some more of my creations.  Have a SAFE & HAPPY NEW YEAR!

BBKZDec 30, 2011

Hello \:\) I'd like to thank you for your creations. I am totally surprised because of your great objects recolors. And I'm in love with your fantastic walls. Hope to see more \:\) Have a nice day! Barb

hiedibear75Dec 30, 2011

I do have some screenshots that I made using those walls in rooms within MY own game.  The infants always look so cold with just a diaper so I like to use an infant over-ride that makes it look as though they've got clothes on, & I have a hack from Rebecah that allows kittens, puppies & toddlers to go up & down stairs which is very useful.  Oh & I just LOVE that insiminator allows me to decide what their lifetime aspirations are.....sometimes the one that is selected SUCKS. \;\)  I noticed you had built quite a few lots because I've done quite a bit of building myself.  MY building was mainly because when I got lots from other people it often seemed that my sims either got stuck (stomp feet symbols in their thought bubbles) or that it just wasn't as functional as I would have liked.  And when my roomie was also playing TS2 we'd load up a lot onto a zip drive but even though we did have the proper meshes (se knew what items we BOTH had & stuck with those) often things would still glow blue or not show up.....so we started using less & less meshes....finally it seemed as though we had to stick with unfurnished lots OR go with all MAXIS.....so I did.  Oh & then for a short while I had really low end parts so I couldn't have ANY CC....but then I got better & better parts & got to put back in more & more CC.  Now my download folder is about ready to blow up. \:o  I did have fun downloading though. \:ph34r\:  I have a lot of items that are "archived" now or just nolonger avialable. \:eek\:  Soooo......although I have some MAJOR CC issues......I'm not ready to just start all over again (I WAS til I found out I've got irreplaceable CC). \:wacko\:  Anywho.....I'm curious to see what you think of those walls....good OR bad. \:cool\:  Take care. \:\)

hiedibear75Dec 29, 2011

Thank you so much! \:rah\:  I uploaded my walls this morning & they'll be published in 2days......hope people still have some Christmas spirit lef. \;\)  I don't like your creations.......I LOVE THEM! \:cool\:  I'm a CC junkie. \:o  But what my COMPUTER would rather me play with is just some recolors. \:confused\:  When my system had lower end parts I wasn't able to play with ANY CC so I got pretty good at building with 100% MAXIS.....which is what almost all my uploaded lots are made with. \:D  I noticed you've done quite a few nice lots yourself. \:\)  Have a SIM-tastic week. \:wub\:

hiedibear75Dec 28, 2011

I'm BIG TIME confused! \:confused\:  I always submit my sets AS "a set" so that I don't have to link anything unless that set was a sub-portion to a much larger set. \:wacko\:  And BTW I didn't notice any issues in downloading the ful sets. \:cool\:  Well lets put it THIS WAY; I hit the download, got a zip file, opened ALL OF THEM (I re-downloaded EVERYTHING you've recolored so it'd be in ONE folder "portiapudding @TSR"), & selected "extract here" into YOUR folder. \:cool\:  Maybe I'll have to TRY uploading & see what happens? \:confused\:  I posted screenshots of this wall set used IN MY GAME. \;\)  I'm off to bed (it's 10:20PM MY time) but will try uploading this set 1st thing in the morning. \:cool\:  Thanks for your help. \:wub\:

hiedibear75Dec 27, 2011

I was wondering....when you submit TS2 sets do you see something in red that says ----> "Warning: We are currently working on this section so things might not work at the moment, please wait with submitting stuff here until this text is gone!"?  \:confused\:  I've been looking EVERY DAY for like the past week now to see if it has finally gone away so I can upload my Christmas walls. \:mad\:

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