princ3ssali (716004)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (1 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Mediterranean Magnificence
Published Dec 2, 2006
About Me
I'm 25, I live in Utah with my fiance and I don't like it here. Thank goodness I'm only 2 hours (at most) North of Vegas. I have an escape when this place gets too much for me. I Graduated from Dixie State College with my Associates of Science in May of '06 and I still don't know what I want to do with my life. I'm enjoying being lazy right now but I know I have to figure out what's going on in life before it gets too late. I'm not really married but I've been with, living included, my fiance for 3 years now and most people refer to us as husband and wife so it works for me. I'm not sure that we are getting married. It's enough for the both of us to just be together. The title and the paper don't matter much, I'm in love and I like it this way. I love to travel and sometimes, travel too much. Sometimes, I speak before I think and it gets me in trouble but I can't hold in what I think if it's the truth, sorry. The photo is of me and my fiance at the Harley Cafe in Vegas with a hot waitress named Angel (no joke) Well, that's about all.
My Guestbook Show All
elmazzzApr 25, 2007
Hi , thank you for the sweet and personal comments you left on our creations.. We really appreciate your feedback.. Have a great day! //Sandra & Funda
Simul8ingFeb 24, 2007
Part 2 of Life-Love & Woo Hoo has been uploaded and awaiting approval. Keep and eye out for it, and I hope you enjoy.
~simelholicJan 27, 2007
Thanks for your comment at my mom and pups screenshot