princessgodess05 (1006649)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (2 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Published Jun 15, 2006
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About Me
Well I am 25 years old and I love the Sims 1,2,3! . I live in Houston, Texas, and I like to make clothes for the sims since I got a new computer now what will start. So pretty soon you might see some new stuff I can't wait. By the way, I'm still a beginner, I mean a beginner.
My Latest Updates Show All
Today was a odd day!Written Apr 16, 2012
So today I woke up around 10 AM. My mom woke me up. She wanted to get her hair cut. I said okay, I'm being nice because I am her daughter is supposed to do everything for will for my mom anyways her haircut came out really pretty and she asked me if I wanted to go to the party in-no, because I could not feel like it, depressed third away but when I get a job, maybe a little better. My cousin... ...More
Today is a good day!Written Feb 21, 2012
well, today was a good day. I just got up, but I am still tired, sleepy. Maybe if I go to bed. I wake up on later. I am sad because I do not have a job. see you later ...More
hey I am new at this!Written Feb 16, 2012
So today it's been a good day so far. Yesterday I went to bed around 4 PM. Can you believe that, and it woke up at 7 AM I really need a job I'm still waiting for Supercuts to call me. Anyways, I wrote a letter to my boyfriend that says dear boyfriend. I remember when we met in San Jacinto College. I saw you and you saw me. I know that you liked me but I was too chicken to say it... ...More
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princessgodess05Feb 13, 2012
wow, I haven't been here a quite some time. I miss the sims resource I went back on my last post OMG, I sound so immature but I grew up now but I wish I am More mature.LOL
jazzi04Dec 13, 2006
Thanks for the comment . Happy Holidays
princessgodess05Sep 08, 2006