puddintain (897594)
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alolengDec 30, 2009
We're having a known problem to some of CC items at the moment. This is due to the patch that EA gave. We still don't have the latest patch. so some of the items may and may not be installed properly. I hope it'll be fixed in time. Keep on Simming.
mutskeDec 29, 2009
Thank you for your comment on my ektorp chair. Have you tried uninstalling and installing again. Hope that works, otherwise just let me know and I will look into it. Thanks again!
Wolfsim68May 23, 2008
Thank you so much for thinking of me & taking the time to comment on my blog. Bravo to you for taking care of your parents & I'm glad that your family finally realise what's involved in taking care of another person - let alone 2! I find the most difficult thing has been reassuring Pat that he's not a failure or a burden to me & that being sick is nothing to be ashamed of. I'm pleased to say that the message seems to have sunk in as he's more comfortable dealing with those messes his body creates. I'm just grateful that I can be here for him & help him transition from this life to whatever comes next. Thanks again for thinking of us & I promise not to ignore my own health to create - as if I'm not in the mood to create - everything looks Blah! Love & Hugs Shaz