robottoasties_xo's Blog
Home To Roost & November Project!
Hey Guys!!
So my newest lot is uploaded, Home To Roost, and it's avaliable to download now! :D
This is absolutely the lot i'm most proud of so far! I did use a house plan for this but adjusted it to work with the build tools in-game. I seem to have my own style of decorating I think, it's very Brittish aha. I especially like the little 'Gnome Corner' its actually a little idea I took from DragonQueens Waterfall tutorial. It was more the placing of rocks that inspired me if i'm honest :D
I'm in a middle of a build at the moment which i'm spending less time on as i'm back to work now but i'm intending to take my time on it and get everything as perfect as I can so watch this space!
Hope you guys had a lovely halloween :)
Brudes Hill
This is my latest property based on a home my Uncle owned. I tryed to incorporate a modern feel with a traditonal look. Again i've noticed that having a pretty looking garden adds a lot to the property so I paid attention to that.
The house itself has 3 bedrooms and 2 full bathrooms so it'd be perfect for family life. It has a spacious living area with a large kitchen and diner. I also added on a conservatory at the rear for extra space.
Tomorrow I plan to have a day away from The Sims to spend with my partner but no doubt ideas will be buzzing around my head. I'm thinking about taking my doggy on loooong walk so that I can take notice of the homes surrounding me in reality!
Hope you like my work so far! xo
Petite Cottage
Hey all!
I'm so glad i'm on holiday, my Sims have never seen me so much! Ahahaha.
I've made 2 lots today but i'm most proud of my little cottage! It's the first house in which I used a house plan. I'd always planned to try using one but never really saw any in which i'd attempt but today i decided to have a little look around and come across a simple looking design so this is my attempt and, to be honest, it turned out rather nicely!
It's a couple orientated home with one bedroom. I tried to keep the garden quite simple which I think would be realistic if it was a modern, young couple that was to move in. I decided to give it a cottage-y feel on the interior but still kept it quite grand.
I love it!
I'm planning to play about again with plans tomorrow, hopefully something a little more challenging though!
G'night! xo
Snobby Clobber Cleaners
Woohoo! That's me on holiday from work for a whole week! So excited and so glad to finally get some good ol' simming time!!
My last upload was my Snobby Clobber Cleaners. I updated the laundrette that was in Twinbrook (town that came with ambitions) so I thought I'd upload it here for you guys! Dependant on how well it goes down I may upload the other things i've updated.
I've always kind of had a secret hate of EA made lots, especially community as they have no personality! I've updated the majority of the community on my game so it only seems right that I share.
Give me a little comment to tell me what you think! :)
October 2010
Hey guys!
It's been so long since I was last on here! Infact I think it was back just before Sims 3 was about to be released! Over the last few months a lot has being going on with me personally so my Simmies haven't been my top priority! :( Luckily, things are now getting a lot better and i'm determined to get back into it!
I haven't had a proper chance to try out all the different build tools that came with Sims 3 so over the last couple of weeks i've been playing about and decided to do something basic to begin with so here we have my first Sims 3 upload! Eep!
24 Delingi Avenue!
It's a 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom home with a kitchen/diner and living area. Usually on my personal builds I tend to concentrate on the interior design but this time I thought i''d take a little more time to make the exterior look pretty. My influence was my Gran as this is the kind of home she's always dreamed of so she is my inspiration for this lot!
Hope you guys like it & i'm looking forward to creating some more!! :D
Hugs! xo