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rosenoire87's Guestbook

fabrizioammolloNov 24, 2011

Hi Rose! You are very welcome! Your story is very good and I wouldn't miss it for any reason \:rah\:. Hugs, F.

eviNov 24, 2011

Hi! rose\:\)Thank you so much for commenting on my gladstone house. I am happy that you like it\:\) See you around\;\)

xhaiiNov 22, 2011

well I guess you know Macky more than me \:P hahahah.. Thnks for the compliment on my banner! always take care my dear friend and I'm loving the new chapter of your story! \:wub\:

eviNov 20, 2011

Hi rose\:\)  Your comment on my avarar made me smile too, I know it is a bit early to dress up for Christmas but jomsims was even earlier than me!\:\)\:\)

xhaiiNov 19, 2011

Well, yeah I kind of stressed out from school, too many things to do \:rolleyes: but school's fun \:\) I'm still wondering too what Macky will do \:P If you were him what will you do Rose?\:D ..and yes, hopefully I can continue the story soon. How about your story? I miss you \:wub\: take care of yourself my friend \:rah\:

AngelaNov 18, 2011

Hi Rose, No worries, i am sure PM will be back up soon \:wub\: Anyway. The new imageformat is for every single preview on TSR. Not sure if for stories they are very strict on that yet, but yes, all images should be 4:3 before we launch V8.

spladoumNov 16, 2011

Hello there Rose! Thank you for the kind compliment. I hope you get a lot of use from them and enjoy \:D

xhaiiNov 16, 2011

finally! You're on! \:D I'll be waiting for your story's release.Glad that you are now in the mood \:\) I've missed you too! Well, I'm kinda busy at school and I guess it is what I need, to be busy hahaha..I can't post a new chapter on my story because I'm having my hands full at school these days \:rah\: From time to time I'm only checking TSR, commenting on stuffs, seeing whats new..and was waiting for you ^___^ have a great day ahead my friend, take care \:wub\:

xhaiiNov 11, 2011

heya my friend \;\) just droppin' by to say 'hi'..I wonder how are you now \:rolleyes: hope you're okay..always take care \:wub\:

xhaiiNov 4, 2011

YEESSSSSS!! \:D \:D \:D You are staying HAHAHAH. I told you I won't let go of you that easily lol. I'm happy that you liked that lil' gift I gave you \;\) You really know for sure how to make my day! Thankssss for that wonderful gift. This my friend, I would really cherish. You're presence here at TSR would mean a lot to me ^____^ and yes, I would really like to know the ending of "No Angels Here" I thought you had already forgotten that very ncie story...And hey, thanks for greeting me a happy birthday \:\) You're one of the reasons that made my birthday happy. And Yes, my siblings did contact me last night and I was so happy \:\) you're right its really sad that somehow you feel like losing that closeness and things aren't the same anymore, we already grew in different paths but though its like that, the thing that will never change is that they are still my siblings and thats forever ^^ wow! we really have a lot in common eh Rose, now I'm starting to think that were soulmates!HAHAHA!...and yes I promise I won't let pass issues dampen my spirit.You know what, I was waiting for this day to come, my birthday, so that I can wish.You know myths, that if its your birthday you make a wish on a cake blowing your candle.heh.I do not know if wishes do come true in that sense but I guess I won't lose anything if I'd its just for children but I really do pray that I may totally forget that feeling.I mean, its not the breakup that is painful.its the flashback that comes after.the memories you had together.I pray that would become ordinary memories..I'm tired of always getting hurt of those memories and sometimes makes me cry.LOL..But I promise this time, that life gave me another year to live, I would never let her mess my life again! \:rah\: Thanks for those inspiring words you always share to me my friend.I am really moved by those words and makes me feel more stronger \:D  Ops! this is getting a little too long.Hahaha! Know that I am always here Rose \;\) Take a break from TSR, it doesn't matter how long the time you need to gain your passion of writing back or take care of some things there, what matters most to me is that you're there and you promised to be back \:\) Have a great day ahead buddy! Always take care of yourself.k? \:wub\:

martoeleNov 3, 2011

Hi Rosenoire! Thanks again for your support throughout the Inheritance-drama. I really am very pleased that this finale took you by surprise. It was my intention from the start! \:D

xhaiiNov 3, 2011

Heya Rose! Sorry for the double posting here at your guestbook lol. It seems like everybody cannot access their inbox at this moment due to some site I'm posting it here. I made a little creation in TS3, just a little gift for you \:\) just to show you how thankful I am to you. Hope you like it. I uploaded it to other site because I know it'll take time for this to be approved and published here at TSR, you know stressful TSR \:D So here's the link. \:rah\:

xhaiiNov 3, 2011

Aww. Like I said, I would be like this ---> \:\( (a thousand times) if you leave. Its TSR's fault :| even at your inbox you had site issues?! wtf is wrong with TSR \:lol\: But I'm still happy that I was given the chance to met someone like you here @ TSR. Life's good because it made me met and know you first before you had such site issues, I think I'd miss half of my life if the site issues comes first and then you leave and never become your friend. And from time to time, every minute, every hour, I'd check If you had visited TSR hahahah. And I'm very eager to keep in touch with you too. I'll be waiting for your e-mail, thanks for trusting me \:D and maybe its really best if you take off the stress TSR is giving to you. But one thing is for sure, I'll still be here, as your friend ^^ \:ty\: for everything, you take care of yourself buddy \;\) Enjoy exploring on your new passion. and if you do find one, share it with me \:lol\:.. I'd post this msg in your inbox and here because I'm not sure if you'll gain access to ur inbox and I want you to read this for sure.. oh-oh Sorry its too long.hahaha..I'll miss you \:\(

PralinesimsNov 1, 2011

Hi!!\:\) Thank you so much for commenting!!!!!!!! \:rah\:   We wish you a sweet tuesday!! BIG HUGGSSSS\:wub\:

GalloandreNov 1, 2011

Hello, and thanks! \:\)

HellsaintNov 1, 2011

Haha! Thanks for dropping by the chapter again, rose \:wub\: Chris could use some attention right now \:P Working hard at the chapter! Pets had me too occupied :P

xhaiiNov 1, 2011

hi rose! thnk you so much for reading my big love chapter 4 and for dropping by a comment \:D and thanks for the tip! i'll surely use it next time.heheh..I'm glad that there's someone out here at TSR who likes Naruto \:\) and I love those lyrics too thats why I included it to the should try to watch/listen to it from youtube.The title is Fix You by Boyceavenue ft. Tyler ward, its a nice cover \:D..and hey, i don't mind if you vent anything to me, I can be your Paul \;\) have a great day ahead buddy \:rah\:  

martoeleOct 30, 2011

Hey rosenoire! Thank you very much for you extense comment on part 4 of my Inheritance story. I'm glad that you enjoyed it. \:wub\:  The last chapter is ready for submittance. I'll do so this afternoon! \:D

isarpgistaOct 28, 2011

Rosenoire, you're very talented and your story is soooooooooo great!!! I'm loving it! And it's always a pleasure to comment in your stories! Have an awesome weekend! \:\)

HellsaintOct 25, 2011

Heh, glad the chapter helped to start your day on the right foot \;\) Thanks for the kind words, rose \:wub\: Hope you have a good week and nice profile banner you have there \:cool\:

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