sailfindragon's Blog
I am back again
Just thought I would let you all know that I am back again. Up to date with university stuff for a few days. I have uploaded 100 Texture Challenge, so hopefully it will be released in the next few days. I have also uploaded the Santiago Natural Dining Recolour.I am just finishing up the Natural Works Fireplace and Wall Mirror, plus recolours of the Esprit Curtains. I am hoping to get those uploaded over the next few days.
I will be sure to post updates as they happen.
Hugs to you all
University Assignments/Exams
Hi AllJust thought i would let you know that i will be away for the next week getting uni assignments/exams finished. I will still be checking my GB and private messages, so if you have any questions please keeping them coming.
Once i am back the natural works fireplace will be published, along with recolours of the Esprit Curtain Collection, metallic recolours of the Esprit Blind Collection and also the natural recolour of the Santiago Dining Collection.
I will also be publishing diagonals of the Esprit blinds as well.
I am also working on some new meshes too. Will let you know more about that when i get back.
Hugs to you all
Thank you all for your continued support. I really appreciate it.
TC 100 Texture Challenge
Just to remind you all that the TC100 Texture Challenge is taking place right now and will run for two weeks. Why not stop by and have some fun recolouring!Debs
Update to Santiago Dining Chair
Update!The Santiago Dining Chair mesh has been updated to make it base game compatiable. It will re-published on the 3rd August, please re-download the mesh, it will overwrite the excisting file.
The Esprit Venetian Blind Medium Mesh has also been updated. Thanks to a fellow TSR Member for pointing out this out. The zip contained the short mesh instead of the medium mesh. It will also be re-published on the 3rd August.
Thanks go to Girl-From-Mars for getting these put through quickly and on her day off!
Santiago Coffee Table - Update
The Santiago Coffee Table Mesh has been updated to allow for better recolouring. However it isn't scheduled to re-released until 30th July. Apologies if you have been trying to download the mesh for the Santiago Coffee Table recolour.Debs
Updates & What's Coming Next!
Hi all I thought i would let you know what is coming next. Well the Esprit Curtain Collection is almost finished. This set includes Full Double Wide Curtains, Single Full Curtains, Single Short Length Curtains & Double Short Length Curtains. Just finishing testing. A second recolour of the Santiago Lounge Collection will be released sometime next week and the Santiago Dining Collection recolour will follow shortly after. Downloads of the Esprit Venetian Blinds seem to be going well, i am glad you like them. I have updated these to include diagonals, however the updates have not been published yet. I am hoping to update the mesh-file over the next few days and release the diagonals once the mesh-file has been updated. I would imagine i will probably release some metallic recolours of this set. Once i have got the above published and out the way i will probably be taking a couple of weeks away to get university assignments done and dusted. First year of Uni is finished September! Second Year starts Oct! At the moment the Esprit Bedroom Collection has been put on hold. I really like the bed and have made quite a lot of improvements to it, however it still isn't right yet. I wouldn't like to submit something that i am not completely happy with, just for the sake of submitting. Anyway that's all for now. I will post again when the Venetian Blind Mesh files have been updated and diagonals released. Take care Debs. Below is screenshot of the Esprit Curtain Set. The set has one master file which all other curtains get the textures from, this will reduce the over all filesize and make recolouring much quicker. Thanks go to MsBarrow for her Repository Tutorial and the Matrix window's pictured in the Screenshots.![](/previews/scaled/w-600h-450-1045307.jpg)
Santiago Lounge/Dining Collection
Well just thought i would let you know that the Santiago Lounge Collection has been published. Hope you all like it. I am currently finishing off the Santiago Dining Collection, just doing some testing first. I should get uploaded tonight. So watch out for that over the next few days.I have also uploaded some more recolours of the Esprit Venetian Blinds, so hopefully they will be published shortly.
Once i have got this lot out the way, i might actually get around to finishing the Esprit Bedroom Collection. Here's hoping!
Take care
One Hundred Thousand Downloads!
My goodness, I cannot believe that i have reach over one hundred thousand downloads. I am very grateful for all of you that have download my creations, it is much appreciated.Thank you so much.
What's Coming Next!
Hi all,Well I think i am all Tigra'd out....and i bet you are too. Working on the Esprit Double Wide Curtains at the moment, so hopefully will get them uploaded in the next day or so.
The Esprit Venetian Blinds will be released on the 16th July and fit most of the maxis windows.
The Esprit Bedroom is still sitting in my "To be published folder" I am really happy with the bed, but this is was one of my first meshes and have learned alot since then. I could really do better now. So i think i might bring it back into milkshape and clean it up. The bedside tables are fine and i have also meshed a Valence as well that can be added to the bed in the game.
I have a few other projects that really need finishing. A bathroom set still in progress. I also have a whole set of small tile walls and floors, that i should really release as they are ready.
But as the TSR moto says it's quality not quanity that matters and with me being a little bit of a perfectionist i want to get it right.
Hope you are all enjoy my creations. I have learned a great deal lately. Thanks go to Shakeshaft for her recent advise on mapping more efficently to reduce filesize.
Bye for now
Recolour Policy
Just thought I would post my policy on my creations and get it out the way!As I am a member of TSRAA you are free to upload any of my creations within you lots to TSR. However you are not allowed to upload any of my creations within your lots to any other websites. As per the rules of TSRAA.
You can recolour any of my creations as long as you include the link to the Meshfile, appropiate credit and only upload to TSR.
You must NOT;
Post any of my creations or recolours on any other website.
Clone or Alter any of my Meshes, Walls and Floors and pass them off as you own.
Thank you
Happy Simming.