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sallyhails's Guestbook

twinkletoeMay 18, 2008

Taking a little break from the show. My daughter was missing her water bottle and came downstairs for one. Now we'll have to wait a few minutes before watching again. So far it's a great flick, I'll let you know for sure after watching the whole thing.\:D

twinkletoeMay 18, 2008

Yes that is what bobbleheads are!! I've always thought that the bobbleheads were kind of stupid, but after the game last night I thought they were fun and the kids really liked them. I'll be excited to see the house when you are done. Let me know how the challenge goes. I've sat with Ann on the back burner. Maybe I'll have to play her. I only have one part of the challenge left. Well my hubby rented the DVD "The Golden Compass" so he is impatiently waiting for me to finish chatting at ya so I guess I'd better go. Can you get DVD's rented to you by mail there? I'm glad that nothing has gotten to Sam. Have a good day\:wub\: Twinks

twinkletoeMay 18, 2008

HaHa Sand hut hmm. I think you should go with that idea it'll warp him for good.\:D You and I were thinking alike. I posted in your GB while you were in mine.\:D What are you up to today?

twinkletoeMay 18, 2008

Good morning The game was very cool to see. The kids had fun watching it and enjoyed learning about the game. Safeco stadium is very cool. We got four bobbleheads for being the first 25,000 in the door. Have you ever seen a baseball game? What on earth do you suppose is digging near the beach? What kinds of animals have free range there?

cariadbachMay 17, 2008

I use creamed coconut milk in my Kormas, would you be able to find some of that there. Cant believe that you are unable to do a Tesco internet shop\:P Winter has returned to Wales, last week it was sweltering ( well it was warm) this week the heating came back on. Off to watch a DVD now, it usually a thriller or some boy film\;\) I only watch it as I have chocolate and wine\:P See you\:D

qvisnMay 17, 2008

That sounds right, having to get a magnifying glass out to see the bruises,LOL men are so whingy are'nt they. I wonder whats been digging near Sam\:eek\: Thats scarey. Double cream? cant you just shop online like at home or is it unheard of there. Have a good week, we are just starting our weekend and yours is over.\:P

Gumby_GirlMay 17, 2008

Hi Sally, how are you? I have been so busy at work (this new job was supposed to be less busy \:\( )I haven't had time to come on to TSR. LOL yes you are over my way now \:o silly me...I can't say I am a fan of hot and muggy unless I have a pool to get into and a big wide brimmed hat and air conditioning. I am not married, my friend said to me I will never get married because I am too independent \:eek\: I don't know though, I just went to my brother's wedding and I have 3 more weddings to got to between now and January next year. 1 of them I have to help plan so it might rub off on me \:P How are the challenges going? Is it tourist season over there now? A work colleague came back from a visit there a few weeks ago and he really liked it. He had some beautiful pics like the ones you have posted in your blog. I hope you are having a nice day and will chat to you over the weekend \:\) Cheers Louise

cinderellimouseMay 16, 2008

I've suggested that in the past!!! But it's nice to know that you've earned the kudos. This last 1000 is going really slowly though! I've not done a poll yet today, I must remember to do one before I leave the site today. \:D I say I've got a 'moon-head' because it's quite big \:o and round and white, like the moon! I also have 'big long mokey arms', they come in handy because I can reach stuff in work really easily! \:D

twinkletoeMay 16, 2008

Hello\:D How is your weekend going. Have you gotten used to new weekend time? Guess what I'm off to Seattle again. Only this time to a baseball game. The team is the Mariners. First major league game that me kids will go to. We got the tickets from a friend. So if I'm on here tomarrow it might be real late when we get home or not at all depending on the time we get home. The game is at 7:00 which is my kids bedtime\:eek\: And it's a 2 1/2 hr drive home after it is all over.\:eek\: Oh well, its not like we do this kind of thing all the time. I hope all is good with you and you enjoyed your pool time.\:D

cariadbachMay 14, 2008

\:\) Thanks for your Birthday wishes Sally. 22 this year not 21\:P Had a lovely day, I think I might have another one next year\:D John has been a right slave driver today though, housework this morning , then out in the garden after lunch, no rest for the wicked. It about time he went out to play golf then I can sit about doing nothing\:D Hope your day went well, See you\:\)

qvisnMay 14, 2008

Martin hurt his foot playing football !!! quick, get the magic sponge. Oh they are such babies. Find out what his Mum used to do if he got hurt, then you can make him better fast.\:P

twinkletoeMay 14, 2008

Oh my goodness I hope Martin will be ok today.\:eek\: Sounds like he could use a good luck charm. It was a boring day with school.But I did have the neighbor and her daughter over to pick up her spa stuff. Katie had lots of homework because she was home yesterday. I missed out on my knit night tonight at my local yarn shop. Nothing much new her. No fancy fun for me. \:wub\: Twinks

cinderellimouseMay 13, 2008

Hee hee! It's nice knowing who you're talking to! \:D I should have uploaded a picture of the real Audrey Hepburn and just lied! "Yep... that's really me... honest!" But no! I didn't think of that so you've got lovely old moon-head me instead! \:D \:D \:D

Vanilla SimMay 13, 2008

Hi Sally, Thank you so much for the lovely lovely comments you left me on my Huckleberry objects. I'm so happy you like them. I have to say I've just spent some time browsing your mini site and you have some great things. I have some downloading to do. Happy Day!! Robin \:wub\:

qvisnMay 13, 2008

Sounds like the custom people fancied watching a film or two, maybe they will send them on when they are finished, I was applying for passports today, its not easy with kids in care, you have to fill some in then take it to the office, they fill some in and sign it, then i have to pick them up and finish off and go to the PO so they can check all is in order, I hope i have done it all right or they will be on the phone.\:eek\: Im sure we will get there in the end, i cant leave it until the last minute, its a nightmare. Weather is great again, it matches spain just now,beautiful, have a great day.\:D

twinkletoeMay 13, 2008

That sounds like a great idea. I hope you have a relaxing time and that it brings a smile to your face.\:D It's just about maintenace time so I'll catch ya tomarrow as I will go off to bed soon.\:wub\: Twinks

twinkletoeMay 13, 2008

Tomarrow I go to school in the afternoon to work. In the evening I might go to the yarn corner and go for the knit night. I have about 80 dollars to spend in gift certificates. Katie and I did our own facials today because I got the stuff from the party. What are you going to do today? Have you started the house?

twinkletoeMay 13, 2008

I would think they would be ok too. I'm sorry you have had a rough week I hope you are ok. PM me if you like. I have really missed our chats and you have been on my mind \:D Have you been feeling ok?

twinkletoeMay 13, 2008

My break was great. We went up the day of the performance and it was so entertaining. They put on a really great show , its a big carnival for grown ups with trapeze type of acts,and people twilling in big silver hoops and on chandelers. The one that i saw was Corteo. Maybe you could see bits of it on You Tube. The overnight stay at the Edgewater was fantastic. The resteraunt was full so we had dinner in the bar at the waters edge and live entertainment. It was a great place to watch people. The bed was more comfy than my one at home. My hair appointment was awsome. One person does the color the next the hair. It was in downtown Seattle and pricey. They hand painted the color on my hair.\:confused\: Every resteraunt we went to was sooooo good.Going there was like a blast of fresh air. What have you been doing?\:wub\:Twinks

qvisnMay 12, 2008

Hows that Hannah doing, has she been skunked yet.\:P I hope you are having a good day.\:D

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